Oppressed Youth Steals 49 iPhones From Racist Apple Store

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/oppressed-youth-steals-49-iphones-from-racist-apple-store/

An oppressed youth of color rightly stole 49 iPhones from a racist Apple store in California a few days ago.

🚨 America is FINISHED 🚨

This guy just robbed an Apple Store in California for 49 iPhones in less than 2 minutes while a cop was parked right outside.

He fit all of them in his pants, was his OWN get away driver and STILL got away.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. pic.twitter.com/07p4ndOXXC

— Teddy (@edrTeddy) February 7, 2024

I fully support this.

Apple is a racist company built by racists for racists.

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook is a racist. He refuses to do gay anal sex with blacks because of their skin color.

Oppressed youths of color should go to these racist Apple stores and take everything they can from them.

Unfortunately, racist cops later arrested this youth showing once again that we live in a system built entirely on the hatred of niggers.

NEW: 22-year-old Tyler Mims has been arrested along with 2 others after he went viral for stealing iPhones from an Apple Store in Berkeley, California.

Mims has been booked into jail and is being held on $810,000 bail.

Mims allegedly stole about 50 iPhones worth a whopping… pic.twitter.com/OZlfxse3wR

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) February 10, 2024


Tsk tsk tsk, the nigger should have known it would be better to walk into the store, steal ONE phone valued less than 1000$, leave, then repeat the process until satisfied. Smart niggers know only theft of 1000$ or less is legal in California so they color within the lines if they wanna get dat paper


he wasn’t even smart enough to take a bag with him but instead shoves them all down his pants where they collected at his ankles.


No one dared try to stop him for fear of being called a racist or charged with a hate crime. Niggers are a protected sub species and they know it.



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