Only 5000 Congolese Accept COVID-19 Vaccine out of 90 MILLION


I Guess blacks aren’t quite as stupid as they seem. At least not over in the Congo: the ones in CHIcongo, however, are worthless AND stupid as hell.
Well—The majority are, anyway.

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Bill Gates was in Africa paralyzing kids with his polio “vaccine”. The Nigs figured it out and killed the vaccinators.

Sometimes simple minds work best.

“Muboomo no sick”… “Muboomo take vaccine, die”… “Vaccine kill, Muboomo”.

Additionally: A better double blind study regarding the efficacy of these vaccines cannot be done. No need to do BS lab tests on monkeys, the data is in… According to the vax pushers, the unvaxed Congolese should be dying in droves from Covid and the vaxed, not. The same study can be done with the Amish in America yet no one is even considering it.

Amish children are all unvaxed and suffer no autism. The vaxed kids are getting autism in record numbers.

About 1 in 6 (17%) children aged 3–17 years were diagnosed with a developmental disability