Old Jew Kissinger: "Grave Mistake" to Let Moslems Into Germany

Originally published at: Old Jew Kissinger: “Grave Mistake” to Let Moslems Into Germany | Infostormer.com

The old Jew Henry Kissinger has come out saying that it was a “grave mistake” to let in Moslems and other migrants into Germany.

Henry Kissinger: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts” pic.twitter.com/CulDSiQDxq

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) October 12, 2023

It’s a little late to be saying these things now dude. Especially since you are like 1,000-years-old or whatever.

He seems to only be saying this now that Jews are under threat throughout the West from the people who the Jews were mostly responsible for bringing in.

If there is any good news it is that the events going in with Israel-Palestine are sparking a broader discussion about this and other topics. Western governments are going to forced to deal with the migration issue along with the Jew-Israel problem at the same time.


The old jew is not looking out for Germany or any other White countries. He’s saying that because his people are being attacked and that’s a no, no.


Once again the monster turns on its masters.


again: I’ve been saying this for a long time. The Muslims aren’t cucked with false guilt like the White Europeans who are groomed FROM BIRTH to feel shame over their mass murder of Jews that never happened. There are no “holocaust denial” laws in Islam.


More like “holocaust acceptance”

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Cant believe this old bastard does something good for once. How old is he now? must be about 112!


He only cares because the Muslims aren’t cucked with false guilt over the Holohoax. Also, Muslims are willing to die for their people and culture. Jews cucked the foolish Whites but they can’t cuck the Muslims.


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