NYT Publishes Questionable List of Alleged Coronavirus Victims

Originally published at: NYT Publishes Questionable List of Alleged Coronavirus Victims | Infostormer.com

The other day, The New York Times published a list on their front page, containing the names of alleged coronavirus victims. This while claiming that coronavirus deaths were nearing 100,000 and that we should all be very scared.

Attention citizens! Your Dept. Of Pandemia issues a Special Journalism Prize (redeemable for six Pulitzers) to @nytimes for this stark yet beautiful reminder No One Ever Died Before. Added bonus: calculating a death toll while calling the loss ā€œincalculable.ā€ Attention citizens! pic.twitter.com/s3VJpAzsYe

ā€” Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) May 24, 2020

We already know that the death toll is greatly exaggerated due to how coronavirus deaths have been tabulated. Thereā€™s also financial incentives for hospitals to label someone as having died from the coronavirus even if thatā€™s not what they died from. They arenā€™t even required to do a proper test.

With that said, a number of the names listed were obviously not deaths caused directly from the coronavirus. They even listed someone who got shot in the head as having died from it.

1/ Attention citizens! Your Dept. Of Pandemia is pleased this Virus Memorial Day to present "The Thing Killed Them, and Them is Us: A Whole Lotta Names" ā€“ tragic stories we found after semi-extensive Googling. Remember, if the virus didn't kill you, you don't count!

ā€” Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) May 25, 2020

2/ Bertha McGuire, Des Moines, 104: "Really wanted to see 105."
Ned Qualley, Boston, 55: "Clean for a decade until lockdowns canceled his NA meetings."
Fred Thomas, Seattle, 78: "Diabetes couldn't keep him from loving cake; had highest HbA1c levels his physician had ever seen."

ā€” Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) May 25, 2020

3/ Ignacio Ramirez, LA, 43: "Suffered stroke, too scared to go to hospital; test negative."
Paul Wentworth, Queens, 87: "Had just survived fourth heart attack. Loving children called him 'Papa Bear.'"
Brad Falle, 49, Hartford: "Killed himself after losing his real-estate agency."

ā€” Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) May 25, 2020

4/ Dolores Clay, Chicago, 99: "Had Alzheimer's and didn't know own name; even her family wasn't upset."
James Hassan, New York, 28: "Fictional physcian whose case was too good to check."
Dan Weiss, Westchester, 72: "No positive test, but totally could have been the virus."

ā€” Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) May 25, 2020

197/ Sabrina Sterling, San Antonio, 32: "Shot in head; friends say the virus pulled the trigger."
Henry Porter, Jacksonville, 6: "Savagely beaten to death by mother's boyfriend over three-day period ā€“ too bad he didn't have school."

ā€” Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) May 25, 2020

All of this is insane. The New York Times should be raided by the feds and closed for purposefully spreading mass panic. Itā€™s hard to believe that the people running the paper are literally this retarded. But who knows, maybe they are. Either way it is no excuse for their actions.

The flu was estimated to have killed around 80,000 people just a few years ago and we didnā€™t see these people go crazy over that. This is only another 20,000 people who died in a country of over 330 million.

What this newspaper is doing is total bullshit. They should not be allowed to continue operating. They are the very definition of a non-essential business because all they do is harm American society with their lies, exaggerations and falsehoods.

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Itā€™s the New York Slimesā€¦ what else can we expect?

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During a supposed pandemic youā€™d think that this type of fear mongering were tantamount to shouting ā€˜Fireā€™ in a crowded theater.

What could be more clear that the jews run the media. They are either exaggerating deaths when there were few, or downplaying something and saying there wasnā€™t a lot of death when in fact there was. And why isnā€™t millions of aborted babies every year called an ā€˜incalculable loss?ā€™

Thatā€™s pretty much why they should be raided and closed. They are responsible for helping spread mass panic over the flu. If me or you did something similar on a much smaller scale we would be arrested and jailed.

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