NYT Publishes Fake News About White House Lawyer Turning on Trump

Originally published at: NYT Publishes Fake News About White House Lawyer Turning on Trump | Infostormer.com

This Russia hoax is getting increasingly stupid. The Jewish media keeps pushing it using anonymous sources and spinning facts to deliberately mislead people.

The Jew-run New York Times published a recent piece claiming that the White House lawyer Don McGahn had turned on Trump because he spent a great deal of time talking to Robert Mueller.

What actually happened is that Trump was encouraging him to cooperate with Mueller in the interest of transparency. Trump sent out a flurry of tweets going into more details about what happened.

Rudy Giuliani was on Fox News earlier today and discussed the topic. He also talked about John O. Brennan being involved in the center of this retarded conspiracy to hoax a conspiracy against Trump.

At this point, these hoaxers are going so insane that it is actually in Trump’s benefit not to shut it down. It is giving him all the justification in the world to do a total house cleaning of the Justice Department, FBI and quite possibly the CIA.