NYT Claims Hatred of New Star Wars Movie is Russia's Fault

Originally published at: NYT Claims Hatred of New Star Wars Movie is Russia’s Fault | Infostormer.com

Look at this tweet from Brianna Wu. She’s a dumb skank who got caught up in the GamerGate fiasco and is now running for Congress.

According the the @nytimes, over half the online anger directed at #LastJedi came from Russian sock puppet accounts.

Their mission is to divide us. Movies, games, politics, doesn’t matter – and we are easy targets. https://t.co/nzZ2vAduhH

— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) December 26, 2019

She’s promoting a Jewish propaganda piece from the Jewish New York Times claiming that people disliking the new Star Wars film is part of a Russian plot. She further claims that this is proof of how Russia is dividing us.

No, actually people just don’t like all the retarded social justice warrior, feminism and Jewish social engineering being shoved down our throats. It has nothing to do with Russia, Vladimir Putin or whatever.

Also according to one of the trusted websites on the Internet the Daily Stormer, Star Wars Episode 9 is one of the worst films ever made. So it is just a shitty movie that many people did not want to see.

There have been endless conspiracy theories floated about Russia by the Jewish media and they have all proven to be bullshit.

Jews are obviously the ones dividing people not Russia you stupid bitch. Get your ugly head out of your ass.