NYPD Police Union President: "We Are Losing the City"

Originally published at: NYPD Police Union President: “We Are Losing the City” | Infostormer.com

A letter from the President of the NYPD police union directed to other police officers has been circulating online. He states in plain language that they’re losing the city. He further adds that they’ve been betrayed by leadership and are being used as pawns. The letter also documents how police have been prevented from using tear gas and other tools that could have contained the riots.

President of NYPD police union: "We are losing the city." #Antifa #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/GHZRl0bSuv

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 2, 2020

It’s no secret that Democrat politicians are ordering police all around the country to go light on the rioters as they go on a violent rampage destroying and looting whatever they come across.

At this point, I have no doubt that we are going to see the military deployed into the streets of American cities. Whatever your opinion is on this, it is going to happen.

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