NYC Mass Shooting Incident to be Quickly Memory Holed

Originally published at: NYC Mass Shooting Incident to be Quickly Memory Holed |

The New York City mass shooting incident that was reported yesterday will be quickly memory holed. The prime suspect has been identified as a black male who hated people outside of his race.

“They made me more dangerous than anyone could ever fucking imagine.”

Frank R. James, named as a person of interest in the New York City subway shooting, left an online trail of hate.

— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) April 13, 2022

On top of that, there’s all sorts of strange things about the event. They are saying that there was no footage of the incident from subway security cameras. They just weren’t working for some reason lol.

JUST IN: NYC subway shooting suspect was seen mumbling to himself before he put on a gas mask, released a smoke canister and opened fire, according to police official.

There were no working cameras in the 36th Street station, police official says.

— Good Morning America (@GMA) April 12, 2022

Security cameras that could have captured the shooting on a New York City subway were not working — and a pair of investigations from 2018 and 2019 show officials were warned that the cameras were at risk of malfunctions, @MacFarlaneNews reports.

— CBS Mornings (@CBSMornings) April 13, 2022

The only video I’ve come across of the incident just shows a subway car full of smoke.

Caught on camera: New York City subway shooting aftermath


— The National Desk (@TND) April 12, 2022

Some have suggested that the whole thing was a hoax to help push the Biden regime’s bullshit gun control initiatives.

I honestly don’t know for sure, but what I do know is that even if this event happened as is being reported, anybody who is still living in the cesspool of New York City is a moron and is too stupid to live.


Nigger has been captured.

This is from the British Press:

Subway shooter Frank James, 62, is arrested after New Yorkers spot him strolling around Manhattan’s East Village after catching TRAIN from Brooklyn 29hrs after gunning down ten: Charged with terrorist attack on mass transit

How soon before terrorist charges are dropped.


1973 same situation - deranged black man, public transportation. Would have disappeared but they let this fool be his own lawyer when he refused to by examined by psychiatrists… How trial, very entertaining to have a crazed black man ask questions of the white victims. Somebody wrote a book about this farce. I hope this black man does the same thing so white americans can be reminded that they are in danger any time they are around a black male.

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