NYC: Man Arrested for Firing Gun at Homeless Mugger

Originally published at: NYC: Man Arrested for Firing Gun at Homeless Mugger |

A homeless man tried to mug a woman at a subway station so a man with a gun fired warning shots at the mugger to stop the mugging. In a normal society, he would be considered a hero and maybe even given an award for being a good citizen. Not in Jewmerica however. He was arrested for firing shots at the criminal homeless mugger guy because letting the homeless mug people is part of our democracy values or whatever.

This is John Rote

Yesterday, he was in a New York Subway station when a homeless man tried to violently mug a woman.

John pulled out his gun, yelled “leave her alone”, and fired 2 warning shots.

The NYPD arrested him.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 9, 2023

When you see shit like this, it makes you realize how broken and ridiculous this system is. You can probably make a decent living as a homeless subway mugger in most American cities now. Your chances of being stopped by a bystander is quite low because the system will likely punish the bystander if they intervene. Your odds are even better if you are black because you can just accuse anybody who tries to stop you of being a racist.


Yep. For all those comments I see about “why are people standing around not doing anything!!”

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All true BUT…this guy is big enough to have gone over there and upended the homie allowing the woman to continue on her way. Firing a shot in a NY subway is really really foolish for a plethora of reasons not the least of which is that it’s ILLEGAL to carry a gun in that commie shit-hole AND every moron knows that there are cameras EVERYWHERE and you’re going to get caught. Oh, and then there’s the long list of other good White guys who’ve been railroaded though our injustice system for coming to the aid of someone being mugged.

A gun is only to save your life in an obviously dangerous situation like when armed Niggers attack you. It’s not to pop off some warning shots to stop some zombie druggie from threatening a dumbass woman who allowed the zombie to get her through the turnstiles for free. There’s a lot of stupid people involved in this incident.

In Florida some armed Nigger picked a fight with a guy for smoking a cig. He slapped the cig out of his mouth and it spilled over outside of the bar where the cig sucker started kicking Nigger ass. So what does the Nigger do? He pulls a gun and shoots the man dead claiming “stand your ground” laws. give me a fucking break… When are people going to realize when the law allows the use of deadly force? Here’s a hint, you won’t even have to think about it when it happens. You will instantly know that your life is in danger or that of a loved-one like when a gang of armed Niggers come at you in a parking garage or subway.

you can’t pick a fight then pull a gun and shoot when you get your ass kicked and it’s certainly not for firing warning shots when some dumb cunt lets a homie allow her into the subway for free.

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