NRA's Wayne LaPierre Defends 2nd Amendment From Jews at CPAC

Originally published at: NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Defends 2nd Amendment From Jews at CPAC |


Over the years I’ve been critical of the National Rifle Association. They haven’t been as forceful in defending the Second Amendment as I would have liked.

With that said, I was pleased to see Wayne LaPierre from the NRA deliver a fantastic speech at CPAC the other day. He forcefully defended the Second Amendment and opposed things like raising the age to buy firearms etc…

The best part about his speech is that mostly all the people he criticized for opposing the Second Amendment were Jews. He brought up Jews like Saul Alinsky, Bernie Sanders, Michael Bloomberg, Chuck Schumer, George Soros and others.

LaPierre used the term “European-style Socialist” in place of Jews, but even this has caused the Jews to flip out. They’ve called the speech anti-Semitic etc…

The bottom line is that the main driving force against the Second Amendment have been Jews. The Jews want us defenseless because they hate us and want us destroyed.

There is no denying the Jewish role in pushing for gun control and it is good to see that the NRA is now indirectly exposing this fact. We aren’t far away from a situation where mainstream political discourse will involve discussion about the Jewish role in subverting our nation.


I have always had kind of a soft spot for European-style Socialists

Wayne LP should have said “Bolshevik Kikes”


I see one of those on the list of gun-grabbing Jew traitors has an additional motivation of his own…



Good speech. He never mentioned Jews; as usual, they incriminate themselves.


The second amendment was primarily established to enable citizens to protect themselves from a tyrannical government, which, unsurprisingly, is not lost on the government.


Yes, and isn’t it amazing how often, and how readily, this part of our Constitution – from the Bill of Rights, no less – comes up for discussion when Jews are involved.


@Herr_Wolf I find it strange when pro-Hitler types claim that National Socialism wasn’t really socialist. Of course it was! There is National Socialism and there is “Democratic” Socialism. The Communists in Russia were originally known as Democratic Socialists, or the Social Democracy.

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There are (or were) one or two small organizations run by jews that claimed to be pro-Second Amendment, like Jews for the Preservation of Firearms. But their REAL agenda was the vilification of Hitler and “Nazism”.

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Gun Control and the Enemy of the World
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

I agree with everything in that video but I believe that 98% of Sheriffs will do what the Federal Government tell them to do as long as the paychecks clear.