NRA and Trump Have Productive Meeting

Originally published at:

Last night the President met with the National Rifle Association. Both sides agreed that it was a productive meeting.

People have been angry at the President because of comments he made about possibly raising the age to buy an AR-15 to 21 and suspending due process allowing police to seize guns.

Obviously I could be wrong, but I don’t think either of those things are going to come to fruition. I think this was just noise for media consumption since they were foaming at the mouth demanding something be done with guns and the NRA.

The thing is, the Jew-run media went overboard with their demands. Everybody could see that the Florida school shooting happened because of massive law enforcement failures. It had nothing to do with the Second Amendment or the NRA.

Interest in joining the NRA has skyrocketed and they pissed off millions of people by using two of the most obnoxious teens imaginable to push this message. The criticism has been so strong, that big social media sites have been actively censoring material that has expressed negative opinions of them. Numerous videos calling out David Hogg as a crisis actor or a script reader have been frantically removed off of YouTube.

But either way, it’s good to see that the NRA and the President had a productive meeting. Based on this, I do not think anything substantive will happen with gun control. There’ll be a focus on pushing concealed carry in schools, improved mental health infrastructure and enhancing the background check system.


Trump is a bullshit artist, I don’t believe anything he says. He might be good for one thing, and that is giving us a few extra years to prepare for the inevitable race-war.

white war

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I think the jury is still out on Trump. His presidency has definitely been a mixed bag but it’s been far better than the alternative.

I still think his main value has been in helping change the cultural dynamic.


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The Daily Stormer bbs appears to be down.

If elected, Hillary would be doing everything in her power to gut the 2nd amendment - 1st as well with Hate Speech laws.

Trump may not be ideal but he appears to support the 2nd Amendment despite the Zio-media’s insistence that he doesn’t.

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It’s working just fine for me [0842 CST, 3.Mar.2018].

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I’m still getting “service unavailable” - also the link from the main DS site to the bbs has been disabled.

  • Anglin posted this on Gab:

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Yeah, sorry. The main site is OK, but the BBS does seem to be having access problems right now.

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There’s something wrong with Emma Gonzalez that I can’t figure out what it is??


Obviously I disagree with Trump’s pro-Israel stance. With that said, I don’t think anybody in America could get elected as POTUS without being pro-Israel. Maybe if Christian churches across America weren’t so kiked we’d have a different situation.


From Anglin:

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