North Korea Summit Cancelled After Bolton's Sabotage

Originally published at: North Korea Summit Cancelled After Bolton’s Sabotage |

The much anticipated peace talks with North Korea have been cancelled. This is all thanks to John Bolton sabotaging the summit by making reference to a Libyan option that was further echoed by Vice President Mike Pence. The North Koreans angrily objected to this language and their objection was used by Trump as an excuse to cancel the conference.

This is a completely ridiculous situation. Kim Jong Un had freed prisoners and was showing good will and good faith. And what does he get in return? Scumbag Bolton inferring that the United States is ready to do to North Korea what they did to Libya. In case you don’t recall, the United States bombed Libya and supported Islamists who sodomized and killed Libya’s leader Colonel Gaddafi. This is hardly the message you want to be sending right before talks.

It is true that the peace talks might still happen, but this is a major setback. The fact that Bolton a neocon warmonger and whore for Jews is the current National Security Adviser is ridiculous. I don’t know if Trump was forced to bring this kook on to his staff or what, but there’s no question that this guy is bad news.

If Trump isn’t able to get this summit back on track than we should just assume that Bolton is running American foreign policy if not the presidency itself. Trump was on the brink of a major peace deal and not firing the man who purposefully sabotaged it is ridiculous.


Trump is a vain, inept old fool who has no real authority. The neo-kike war criminals from the GW Bush regime have barged their way back into power, while Trump just tweets dumb messages all day to his idiotic supporters and makes rah-rah speeches at right-wing rallies for cops and vets. What a friggin’ comedy.

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