Nord Stream Pipe Sabotage Was a Jewish Act of War on Germany

Originally published at: Nord Stream Pipe Sabotage Was a Jewish Act of War on Germany |

The sabotage of the Nord Stream pipes is a very significant story. This was undoubtedly a Jewish act of war on Germany. As most people understand, the Germans relied heavily on the Russian gas that flowed through the Nord Stream 1 pipe. Their economy can’t function without Russian energy and with these pipes damaged, it is now very difficult for them to acquire the energy they need.

Everybody around the world understands that the United States and potentially one of their ZOG vassal states did this. They stood the most to gain. The Jewish US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was openly boasting about how this would allow them to sell more gas to Europe.

September 30 Anthony Blinken speaking about supplying LNG to Europe-"It's a tremendous ooportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy"

What a "coincidence"…

— AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎 (@AZmilitary1) October 2, 2022

Now that Nord Stream 1 and 2 are damaged, possibly forever if they collapsed, I guess Germany has to buy LNG from the USA long term at 10x the previous average price.

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) September 27, 2022

It was an incredibly stupid act. The Jews totally overplayed their hand and it is only going to lead to unpredictable consequences.

Prior to the sabotage, there were already major protests across Germany demanding an end to the sanctions on Russia and for Nord Stream 2 to be opened.

Thousands of people in Plauen in Germany against Olaf Scholz's policy and the explosion of energy and gas prices. They demand an end to sanctions on Russia and the reopening of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Demonstrations also in other German cities but EU media censors them.

— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) September 26, 2022

Thousands of people in Germany protest against Olaf Scholz's government, the high energy prices and the sanctions on Russia. They demand reopening of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. These protests are largely censored by the corporate media. #NordStream2

— Frank Hoogerbeets (@hobeets) September 27, 2022

Let there be GAS 🇩🇪 – free-thinking Germans demand opening of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline – and for restoration of ties with Russia, which have existed for centuries – with current policy settings ensuring US companies will profit from Germany's de-industrialization

— TXT World 🚛🚜🍊 (@txtworld) September 26, 2022

But after the sabotage, you now have German business leaders openly calling for a split with the United States.

US overplays its hand.

🇩🇪 Wolfgang Grupp, the owner of one of Germany's largest textile companies Trigema, called for a "break with America" following the suspected terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, in an interview with BILD.

— raven murmur (@RavenMurmur) September 30, 2022

The German Bundestag just voted against sending more arms to the Ukraine.

BREAKING NEWS from Germany 🇩🇪

The Bundestag has voted AGAINST increasing arms supplies to Ukraine

179 MPs for versus 476 against.

The cracks are not just in the NordStream pipeline anymore.

— UNN (@UnityNewsNet) September 30, 2022

The hashtag #Krigserklaerung which roughly translates into “declaration of war” has been posted all over Twitter by Germans.

We were all focused on the USA's proxy war in Ukraine while a second (the real?) front was right before our eyes: the destruction of Germany, the only industrial competitor of the USA. It took 7 months and the complicity of Baerbock & Habeck. Germany, wake up. #Kriegserklaerung

— Un Vieux de la Vieille (@UVieile) September 30, 2022

This will turn into a major blowback for the US. #Kriegserklaerung ("declaration of war") is trending there. The NAFO incels face a wall of anger coming from Germany.

— AudaxLateralis 🇸🇴 (@ALateralis) September 28, 2022

It's time for Germany to align with Russia and react against US' aggressions.#sanktionengegenusa #Kriegserklärung

— Lucas Leiroz (@leiroz_lucas) September 28, 2022

Apparently #Kriegserklaerung is trending in Germany. Many think this was a US declaration of war against them. #Kriegserklärung

— Ron Bassilian (@Ron4California) September 30, 2022

Wenn sich herausstellt, dass #NordStream2 durch die Amerikaner zerstört wurde, sehe ich das als #Kriegserklärung der Amis gegenüber Deutschland. Und wenn unsere Regierung davon wusste, ist das Hochverrat.

— Lynxx (@Lynxxotronic) September 27, 2022

Nobody is buying this idea that the Russians blew up their own pipes. Everybody is blaming the US for the pipeline destruction. It has sparked a massive political shift inside of Germany. There is no denying it.

Unfortunately, Germany is currently occupied by the US military. They have been a vassal state of the ZOG empire since World War II. So because of this, the situation is a bit complicated. Even if the German government wanted to untangle themselves from the US over this incident, it could prove quite difficult.

The difference now is that the destruction of the Nord Stream pipes has greatly angered powerful people inside of Germany. This increases the chance for changes to take place since these are the people who have the real power inside these fake democracy systems.

The anger among the German people is only going to escalate as we head into the winter months. The economic situation keeps getting worse and the destruction of these pipelines has only further exacerbated it. It’s very likely that we will see the Olaf Scholz government forced out of power over all this.


I agree, Germany doesn’t need the US, they can sell all there VW MB BMW to Russia and China.

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