No Jews I Don't Give a Fuck That TSA Assholes Aren't Getting Paid

Originally published at: No Jews I Don’t Give a Fuck That TSA Assholes Aren’t Getting Paid |

The Jewish media is pushing this idea that the government shutdown is making us less safe because Transportation Security Administration employees aren’t getting paid.

You know what? Fuck the TSA and everybody who works for them. I couldn’t give a flying fuck if those assholes get paid or not. They do nothing to keep anybody safe. It’s billions of dollars wasted in security theater. Them not getting paid is karma for them taking a job where all they do is harass and bully people.

Look at these previous news reports citing how TSA agents missed most of the test weapons and bombs that were intentionally put through security to check their effectiveness. Even the kikes at CNN criticized them.

And worse yet is that most of these people are low IQ retards and shitheads. I even saw some ragheaded Moslem wearing a TSA uniform one of the last times I was at an airport. Real smart to let Moslems work for the TSA when they’re the ones engaging in the most amount of terrorism. It’s literally the dumbest thing imaginable.

At minimum, we should go back to the way it was pre-9/11 and ban Moslems from flying. That’d be a far safer situation than what we have now where they’re just randomly searching old people in wheelchairs and other strange shit.

The government shutdown has merely highlighted the need to abolish the TSA entirely. It’s totally pointless police state bullshit. Anybody who says we live in a free country with the TSA around is a fucking moron. Fuck all these people.


Excellent commentary and insight, Herr Stormer. The purpose of the TSA is obviously not to keep the flying public safe, it’s to provide the ILLUSION that ZOG is doing something about terrorism and, perhaps more importantly, to bully and intimidate the public into submission. Get used to being poked, prodded and patted down goyim, because that is your new normal.

BTW, TSA agents are NOT law enforcement.


The TSA was instituted AFTER BushCo and Jews did 9/11 to keep us safe from “terrorists”… it’s like punching someone in the nose then charging them for a security guard so that you don’t punch him again…

the jews will do another 9/11 and blame it on Trump’s shutdown… having said this, if these moron TSA agents are not doing their jobs because of the shutdown then they should be held criminally liable for any terrorist actions.


TSA= niggers with real attitudes that have been empowered by the ZOG.
I’ve watched these niggers allow other fellow nogs to pass right through who looked VERY suspect and then go to an old white lady or a white family and harass them.
I only fly once a year for work when i head to FL for a few weeks.
We do a lot of stuff in Collier/Lee county in the Naples, Ft. Myers area.
Collier county is still mostly a red area filled with whites from the midwest and other nigger/spic infested parts of FL and is still mainly a safe place to live with a low crime rate when compared to other areas with a similar population.
This ,however, is rapidly changing and most whites i know that live there want out.
The place is super expensive and your kids are minorities in the schools already.
The aging white populous cannot compare to beaner birth rates and Haitians being imported by the tens of thousands every year.
Its sickening to say the least…i ask people all the time when i am there stuff like : “how long do you think it will be safe here with 4 white kids out of 35 in the 5th grade classroom” or “How long do you think the crime rate will be this low with the whites leaving and being bred out of existence” …usually i get no real answer but i get this look of disgust as if it was MY fault for pointing out they exist or that they are here.


Fuck these jackasses at the tsa!!! Big, fat, ugly, niggers who seem to think, “i gotsta sho dem my powwa”. 96%FAILURE RATE!. Let that sink in! Any other business, these low IQ coons would have been fired a long time ago


IDK man, blacks are basically incompetent anywhere i see them “working” but they never get fired for this because its racist to point out that blacks are unqualified , constantly late, rude to customers, or incompetent …
its unreal how they are coddled.
The nigger is the most useless and damning plight ever forced on whites in america.
These niggers commit the vast majority of all crime and the USA would be a damn near utopian society if they were gone overnight …
EVEN WITH all the other nonwhite nonsense we have in our nation we would see a total transformation overnight without niggers.