NJ Governor Phil Murphy Called a "Dick" for Lockdown Policies

Originally published at: NJ Governor Phil Murphy Called a “Dick” for Lockdown Policies | Infostormer.com

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy was spotted out at a restaurant with his family not social distancing and not wearing a mask. As a result, he was confronted by some angry women who called him out as a hypocrite due to all the draconian lockdown and mask rules he’s forced on the people of New Jersey. One woman called him a “dick.”

Hecklers taunt New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy https://t.co/K03YdBL4Dl

— Newsmax (@newsmax) November 23, 2020

Among other things, Murphy has been harassing gym owners throughout the year for not fully abiding by his illegal and unconstitutional edicts.

Hey @iansmithfitness get a load of your boy @PhilMurphyNJ. No mask, & no social distancing. Meanwhile he’s fining you $15,000 a day for defying his lockdown orders! #Hypocrite https://t.co/KHSDMtHa4a

— Aubrey Huff (@aubrey_huff) November 23, 2020

So yeah, he is a dick. He is a big dick and an all around piece of shit.

There’s probably some people out there who think it was inappropriate to harass him while he was eating with his family. Maybe in saner times you could make such an argument, but not now. People like Murphy should absolutely be harassed wherever he goes for what he’s done. I couldn’t give a shit if he’s with his family or whatever. And besides, Democrats were cheering when people were harassing Republican politicians and staffers when they went to get food at a restaurant. They have legitimized this type of protest.

The bottom line is that we don’t owe these people any courtesies. Especially considering what they’ve done to us. Murphy is lucky that he was just called a dick. He deserves far worse than that.


Typical Jewish behavior. Tell other people how to behave, but the “chosen” are exempt from rules & regulations. Due to the Jewish control of the media this behavior would not see the light of day. Thank god for Twitter.

The day after Governor Tim Walz announced new lockdowns in the state of Minnesota, Michael Matt addressed the “Stuff Your Mandate” rally outside of the governor’s mansion.

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Good, all these tyrants need to be confronted everywhere.


Well said! I’d like to meet this woman that said this LOL, seems like a fun person to hang out with.

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