Nigger-American Judge Blocks Trump From Building Wall

Originally published at: Nigger-American Judge Blocks Trump From Building Wall |

So a nigger-American judge issued a ruling claiming that Donald Trump can’t use $2.5 billion in military funds to build a wall.

Washington Examiner:

A California federal judge issued a ruling blocking President Trump from using $2.5 billion in military funds to build a wall along the southern border.

The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Haywood Gilliam, who is an appointee of former President Barack Obama, ruled to permanently block the $2.5 billion after issuing a temporary injunction in May to stop the administration’s use of the funds. The ruling stymies several construction projects in California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Gilliam ruled in two lawsuits on Friday. The first, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the Sierra Club and the Southern Border Communities Coalition, came in response to Trump’s national emergency declaration transferring $6.7 billion in military funds to border wall construction. Gilliam’s decision halted the use of funds meant for Defense Department counter-drug activities.

I looked up Haywood Gilliam’s Wikipedia. He is indeed a nigger. Just at the nostrils on this dumb ape.

What type of society do we have where stupid low IQ niggers like this are allowed to overrule a decision by the President of the United States? The nigger probably can’t even read or speak English properly.

Trump should ignore the ruling on the basis that the judge is a retarded nigger. What do you guys think?


This is a nigger who needs a dancing lesson – at End of the Rope Dance School.


He should ignore the order and for reasons of national security do it anyways.


A “muh dikk” moment!