Nick Fuentes Wrecked Alex Jones Yesterday

Originally published at: Nick Fuentes Wrecked Alex Jones Yesterday |

Nick Fuentes totally wrecked Alex Jones on Infowars yesterday. Nick calmly described why the Jewish problem is the main issue we face while Jones talked in circles to try and deflect from the fact that Jews run everything.

Nick Fuentes is making Alex Jones look like Marco Rubio

— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) December 13, 2022

Alex has a multimillion dollar studio and is getting CRUSHED by NJF // 💰v✝️

— ⚕️The PharmacopYe-ist⚕️ (@FarAwayAndCozy) December 13, 2022

It goes without saying that Nick killed it in the AJ "debate."

Of course, it wasn't really even a debate. Alex just wants to play both sides. He gives the whole "Hitler is coming for our guns" thing to Crowder then tells Nick "yeah you're right, Hitler isn't even alive."

— Andrew Anglin (@WorldWarWang) December 14, 2022

Watch the video for yourself and draw your own conclusions, but I think it was pretty clear who won this.

I totally agree with Nick here. I don’t care if some Jew’s grandmother died in the 1940s yet the entire American political system is focused around this fake historical event.

Nick Fuentes: “Honestly, we don’t care about your grandmother that died in the Holocaust.”

This is who Trump met with at Mar-a-Lago.

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) December 14, 2022

In 2022, you can’t consider yourself a real right-wing political dissident unless you are being open and honest about the Jewish problem.



This is THE issue for right-wing political dissidents - for all Whites, actually.

Good to see more and more are coming to this realization.

Kanye West got “Anti-Semite” of the year from the ADL - I voted for Handsome Truth over on Gab who was also in the running.

I just got all my comments blocked on JewTube for doing just that. I’ve now been banned on every social media platform except for Truth which I won’t join.

That just proves my point about the jews being the one issue that differentiates a real dissident from a fake dissident.


here’s what I said on BitChute with regard to the Fuentes interview.

Hitler was a good and great man who had to use fascism to rid his nation of a vermin infestation that was siphoning the wealth of The German People and poisoning their minds with pornography. . NO GENETIC GERMANS WERE OPPRESSED IN NAZI GERMANY. They were the happiest, wealthiest most free people on Earth which is why they were destroyed. There is no way to free ourselves from the grip of those who put little old ladies IN PRISON for free-speech, without benevolent fascism.

I just got done with the full interview and while Fuentes made some good points, both he Jones kept the false Holocaust narrative. Fuentes just said that he doesn’t care about it. that’s not good enough… Ursula Haverbeck is rotting in prison because of “holocaust denial laws” and not a peep about it. Then Fuentes keeps talking about a Christian movement bla bla bla… look, the whole, “God is on our side” bullshit is pissing me right off. Nowhere in the history of mankind has “God” intervened for Christians to defeat their enemy. If he did, Germany would have won WWII. furthermore; a political movement based on faith is doomed to failure. Commonsense, logic and reason is the only way forward…

I agree, Nick was fantastic: he never got flustered, never lost the thread of his argument, always stayed on topic. I loved the joke he made about being young and zealous and idealistic. He’s a huge asset for us.

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