Nick Fuentes Destroys Tim Heidecker For Being a Pussy Tattletale

Originally published at: Nick Fuentes Destroys Tim Heidecker For Being a Pussy Tattletale |

Tim Heidecker an unfunny and failed middle-aged comedian who actively sought and sucessfully got Baked Alaska banned off of YouTube, was recently confronted by Nick Fuentes. Heidecker thought he could destroy Fuentes by inviting him on his stream, but all he did was make himself and his two sidekicks look like retarded faggots.

The most notable part of the exchange was the fact that they were deliberately fucking around with Nickā€™s audio throughout the whole conversation. A total pussy move by Heidecker.

But beyond the audio fuckery, the exchange was weirdly bizarre.

Heidecker seems to think that he is a relevant person in 2020 because he landed some gig on a show that airs on the cable channel Showtime. Heidecker doesnā€™t seem to understand that this isnā€™t the 1990s or 2000s any longer. Cable television is nowhere near as relevant as it once was. But this was a point Heidecker made during the conversation presumably to boast about how allegedly important he is.

He failed to address the main point made by Fuentes which was why he as an alleged comedian would go out of his way to get somebody banned off of YouTube. Especially targeting someone who was creating content that people found funny.

Heidecker spent most of his time trying to insult Nick about his height, age, having a pumpkin on his desk and other gay irrelevant shit. He even tried to lecture Nick about how it wasnā€™t too late for him to change his life around which was some of the most cringeworthy nonsense imaginable.

All of this devolved into him and one of his Jewish-looking sidekicks named Vic Berger trying to label Nick as an evil racist person because he was at Charlottesville and made some vague comments about the alleged Holocaust of Jews.

Long story short, Fuentes despite having his audio fucked with made Heidecker and his crew look like fools.

Even Heidecker knows the exchange was bad for his brand as it looks likes he is filing copyright complaints against YouTube channels that have reposted his exchange with Fuentes.

You're a giant fucking loser @timheidecker

ā€” Baby āž (@drugcel) October 17, 2020

Long story short, Heidecker is an even bigger faggot than I originally thought. Heā€™s obviously a very insecure person who feels the need to tear down others due to his own shortcomings. Perhaps thatā€™s why he has become such a willing servant of the Jewish power structure.


I had never heard of this person. Nick certainly made him and his little gang look like the obnoxious infantile fools that they are.

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