NFL Bans Kneeling During National Anthem

Originally published at: NFL Bans Kneeling During National Anthem |

The National Football League better known as the Negro Felon League has finally decided to ban kneeling during the playing of the national anthem.


NFL owners have approved a policy that would penalize players who kneel for the Star-Spangled Banner.

The NFL released details of the new policy on Wednesday.

The statement says all members of the 32 NFL teams shall "stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem."

If players don't want to stand for the national anthem, they can stay in the locker room.

The Commissioner will impose "appropriate discipline" on players and personnel who don't stand for the anthem and show respect for the flag. The statement also said teams could be fined if players or personnel are on the field and don't stand and show respect for the flag and the National Anthem.

On the surface this sounds like a move in the right direction, but it’s really just a half measure. The league is still going to allow these monkeys to stay in the locker room during the national anthem if they choose. So by not taking the field during the song, they’re still allowed to disrespect the country.

Players have already expressed their displeasure at the policy and are already thinking up new ways to staged their retarded protests during the national anthem. Hopefully they whine about the league being racist. That’d be funny if they pushed that narrative.

Honestly though, I don’t really give a shit about the league or this new policy they rolled out. It’s too little, too late. These nigger players are just going to continue their chicanery in one form or another. Ratings for the league were down roughly 10 percent last year. They’ve lost lots of fans and they’re not coming back.

But whatever, the league is so niggerized, I have no idea how any self respecting White person can continue watching the league. There are far better things one could be doing than watching a bunch of baboons chase after a ball.


I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Oh vey, the NFL lost 10% in attendance in 2017. The tribe can’t allow that.

It’s not a matter of patriotism or loyalty to the United States. The kikes worship money…their only God.


I have noticed there is a lot less enthusiasm for sportsball among White men these days. Some of the older guys still get worked up about the Red Sox and Yankees but that’s about it. I hope all those former sports fans are putting their weekends to better use now, like spending more time with their White wives and children.


ESPN’s ratings are in the toilet and there’s lots of empty seats at these sports games now. These spectacles don’t have nearly the cultural impact that they once had.


It’s funny how the NFL team line-ups are indistinguishable from police mug-shots. Can you tell the difference between the football coons and the street criminal coons?




Bicycles. Kayaks. Canoes. Climbing walls. The circular saw in the garage that hasn’t seen use in a decade. A garden. A worm farm. A book. A how-to video on JewTube or wherever.

Just about any activity that can be imagined is better than watching spearchuckers chase balls.


It is incomprehensible to me how anyone would pay good money to sit through the spectacle of obscenely overpaid and pampered savages running across a field with an oddly shaped leather object.


I have a lot more important things to do with my time than watching a bunch of double digit IQ congoids run up & down a field piling up on each other. Anyone shelling out $100+ a ticket to see it live in a taxpayer supported stadium is just one plain dipshit.


Sorry negro felon league, i have new activities that i enjoy and will NEVER watch the coon spearthrowers league again!


Wishful thinking…no !!


@Steve We are going to bring back corporal punishment for uppity nigras. State’s rights will replace so-called “civil rights”.

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