New Zealand: Over 11,000 Got COVID Vaxx Exemptions

Originally published at: New Zealand: Over 11,000 Got COVID Vaxx Exemptions |

New information has come out showing how 11,000+ politicians and wealthy elites in New Zealand were given COVID vaxx exemptions as they were forcing people to take these deadly injections. So much for being safe and effective.

BREAKING in New Zealand, FOIA request showed that 11,000 politicians and elites got COVID vaccine exemptions

This is absolutely criminal. There are credible reports suggesting the same was done in Australia, Canada, USA, Europe and even at Pfizer, Moderna, & J&J

— James Thorp MD (@jathorpmfm) December 6, 2023

Who were these 11005 workers that got vaccine exemptions in New Zealand?
Why were they given exemptions when the rest of the country was forced to jab?
How many other countries had such exemptions?
Were politicians & other so-called elites exempt while the plebs took the shot?

— Dr Ahmad Malik (@DocAhmadMalik) December 7, 2023

This comes after they arrested a whistleblower who exposed how certain COVID-19 batches killed around 20 percent of the people who got them.

This statistician and whistleblower, Barry Young, 56, has been arrested by New Zealand authorities for exposing this data:

Mr. Young examined connections between specific COVID-19 vaccine batches and mortality rates. What he found was alarming:

Batch ID 1: Total Vaccinated 711,…

— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) December 3, 2023

Jacinda Ardern aka horse cunt should be held responsible for all of this.

Politician and lawyer, Liz Gunn, calls for Jacinda Ardern to be forced to return to New Zealand and for her passport to be held.

“She has broken her social contract with the people of New Zealand. She has allowed them to be injured, damaged and killed.”

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) December 6, 2023

More and more information keeps coming out showing what a massive crime this was. Unfortunately, I have little if any reason to believe that the people responsible will be held accountable for these horrible crimes. Who knows though, things can change but right now it is hard to be optimistic.


It’s not just NZ it’s most countries. They know the “vaccine” is bad that’s why they forced it on people. I knew from say 1 not to take the jew poison.


The “elites” got caught early on pretending to take The Vaccine with the orange cap still on the syringe needle… Those who pushed the jew death jab INCLUDING, TRUMP should be put on trial for crimes against humanity and if found guilty hanged by the neck until dead.


If you know anyone who took the vax - many via threat of losing their jobs - please STRONGLY suggest this:

The formula helps to destroy the deadly spike protein and clear it from the body.

One of my friends, a cancer survivor who works with cancer patients was mandated to get the vax - she got the first one to keep her job, had an adverse reaction and - refused all others - she applied for exemptions, three of them, one on religious grounds, and was denied each time.

She was about to be terminated when her appeal went through and was accepted. She thinks further vaxxes would have killed her - most likely as her body was weakened from cancer surgery and chemo.

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I have that very product on my kitchen counter. Also pine needles to make tea.

Of course, I highly recommend this book “Reversing the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine: How to Heal Yourself from Adverse Reactions to the Trump Vaccine and Protect Yourself from Shedding,” available here. to which I am naturally biased:


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I will purchase it today. I’ve also been advised about the pine needle tea.

Some family members are open - others are not, unfortunately.

UPDATE: Got it. I will start reading it after I’ve done my morning chores.

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I wonder how many people in this country were exempted.

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Thank you very much! I appreciate it!

I just started drinking pine needle tea a couple of days ago. My neighborhood is 70-80% jabbed. Maybe even higher. I’ve been hit with shedding more than once.

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