New Zealand: Horseface Prepares to Declare Climate Emergency

Originally published at: New Zealand: Horseface Prepares to Declare Climate Emergency |

On top of enacting insane restrictions due to the coronavirus hoax, leaders around the world are preparing to push for additional restrictions using another hoax. That hoax being the climate change hoax.

New Zealand’s horsefaced female leader is preparing to declare a climate change emergency.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern set to declare climate emergency

— New York Post (@nypost) November 26, 2020

As most of you already know, there is no climate emergency.

Years ago, we were told that the ocean levels were going to rise and flood all coastal cities because of this alleged emergency. This did not happen. In fact, none of these insane climate and weather predictions these people have made have come true. They did not come true because the entire thing is a stupid hoax designed to justify the implementation of carbon taxes and other restrictions that will help turn you into a slave.

These people won’t be happy until you are microchipped and confined to a pod wearing a hazmat suit. If you are lucky, you might be able to get a job working for Jeff Bezos earning $15 an hour.

But they won’t tell you that, so they tell you all these things are being done for a common good. It’s all bullshit. The people pushing this insanity are evil and they should be executed on an Internet livestream. After a very fair and impartial trial of course.


Any excuse to further her power trip will do.


She’s probably the worst of all these woke female “leaders” in the West.


There was one government and national philosophy that cherished nature and the natural world – it wasn’t that shithole kike hideout. We wait for the next Uncle to begin the change.

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