New York Times Does Fake News Report About Trump's Taxes

Originally published at: New York Times Does Fake News Report About Trump’s Taxes |

The New York Times a newspaper that is run by lying Jews, just put out a ridiculously stupid report about Donald Trump’s taxes.

Exclusive: The Times has obtained tax-return data for President Trump extending over more than two decades.
It shows his finances under stress, beset by losses that he aggressively employs to avoid paying taxes and hundreds of millions in debt coming due.

— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 28, 2020

The allegedly big revelation is that Trump did not pay taxes for many years and is supposedly in lots of debt.

The New York Times’ report on Donald Trump’s finances makes it clear that the President of the United States is a desperate, cash-hungry grifter who paid no federal income taxes at all in 10 of the 15 years leading up to his run for office.

— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) September 28, 2020

The New York Times report is just describing data that they claim to have. It doesn’t appear as if they even bothered to include the documents or whatever raw data they used to formulate the conclusions in their report. Because of this, there is really no reason to believe that what they are reporting is true.

This is also the same newspaper that spent two years trying to convince the country that Trump was working for Vladimir Putin as a Russian agent. They’ve literally published endless lies about Trump. It’s just been one hoax and conspiracy theory after another.

At this point, nothing they report about the man can be taken at face value. Anything they claim about Trump should be an assumed lie unless proven otherwise.

But honestly, I have no idea why the average American would have any interest in Trump’s taxes. Nor do I have any idea why people would think bad of him if he didn’t pay any taxes. Rich people hire professionals to prepare their taxes so they pay the least amount of tax possible. In fact, even non-rich people do this. Nobody wants to pay more tax than they are legally obliged to pay. Why would Trump be bad for doing this? This is just a standard thing that millions of Americans do every year.

This whole report is dumb. It isn’t legitimate journalism. It’s just an attack piece directed at Trump disguised as journalism. If they were interested in spreading truth and facts to people, they’d publish the raw data they have and let people decide for themselves. But even if they did do that, this story has very little real news value.

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NY TIMES claims “legally acquired” which is not possible. The only legal way to get tax data is for the TAXPAYER to give you the information directly, such as submitting a tax return as part of a loan package to a bank. A government employee can not disclose the information in violation of the IRS code which is FELONY, this law was passed as a response to the Nixon tax return leak. The Times could not legally obtain the 'DATA", HAD TO BE STOLEN. Never trust a Jew to tell the truth. in 2019 the TIME received a Pulitzer prize from doing a report on Trump financial empire that took them two years, but no mention of his income tax consequences. Makes me think “HAVE YOU NO SHAME?”

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