New York Times Attacks the Alt-Right in New Documentary

Originally published at: New York Times Attacks the Alt-Right in New Documentary |

How an Alt-Right Leader Used a Lie to Climb the Ranks | Times Documentaries

The New York Times put out a hit piece on the Alt-Right that centers around Eli Mosley the former leader of Identity Evropa.

The documentary claims that Mosley falsified his military record. They use this point as a way to attack him and the Alt-Right in general.

Mosley says that the New York Times lied by omission and is preparing to produce documentation that proves them wrong.

Many others have made the same point, but I’ll reiterate this. There is no value in allowing the Jew-run press to have a camera crew follow you around 24 hours a day. They are going to cover us no matter what. If they ask to follow you around, it’s because they want additional material to make you look bad. It’s that simple.

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I know nuns who have had this problem.