New York: Protesters Lash Out at "Journalist" for Fake Virus News

Originally published at: New York: Protesters Lash Out at “Journalist” for Fake Virus News |

A fake news “journalist” named Kevin Vesey got confronted by angry anti-lockdown protesters in New York as he covered their protest. The protesters in different words, told him how unhappy they were with the media’s coverage of the coronavirus pandemic hoax.

Reporter gets an earful about his industry 😆

— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) May 15, 2020

These people have every right to be angry at this “journalist.” People like him are the primary reason why we are in this horrible situation. They have and continue to falsely claim that the coronavirus is some sort of doomsday plague even though the data has shown that it is no more dangerous than the flu. The fear and hysteria they have promoted has led to a total collapse of America’s economy and forced half the country out of work.

The faggot fake news reporter followed up what happened with a series of reports whining about how the anti-lockdown protesters were mean to him. He also bragged about how he got support from other members of the Jewish fake news industrial complex and dumb celebrities.

This is video is for anyone who wants a more in-depth look at yesterday's Facebook live segment. I explain what was happening behind the scenes, and what was going through my mind at the time.

— Kevin Vesey (@KevinVesey) May 15, 2020

This was my story that aired on TV today — a recap of yesterday's events, and what's happened since.

— Kevin Vesey (@KevinVesey) May 15, 2020

So amazing to be recognized by Katie Couric today. Great inspiration to keep telling stories that matter.

— Kevin Vesey (@KevinVesey) May 15, 2020

We’ve seen people lash out at fake news reporters before, namely at Donald Trump rallies, but they’ve never been this angry. It’s clear that the people are realizing that their lives have been ruined largely because of this enormous hoax promoted by the media.

These fake news “journalists” are just going to have to get used to this type of thing. It is the “new normal” they’ve created and the only people they can blame for this situation is themselves.

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