New Media Narrative: Lockdown Protests Spreading Doomsday Virus

Originally published at: New Media Narrative: Lockdown Protests Spreading Doomsday Virus |

The media is now pushing stupid stories demonizing the people protesting all these lunatic lockdowns as being evil spreaders of the doomsday virus.


Cellphone location data suggests that demonstrators at anti-lockdown protests – some of which have been connected with Covid-19 cases – are often traveling hundreds of miles to events, returning to all parts of their states, and even crossing into neighboring ones.

The data, provided to the Guardian by the progressive campaign group the Committee to Protect Medicare, raises the prospect that the protests will play a role in spreading the coronavirus epidemic to areas which have, so far, experienced relatively few infections.

The anonymized location data was captured from opt-in cellphone apps, and data scientists at the firm VoteMap used it to determine the movements of devices present at protests in late April and early May in five states: Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Colorado and Florida.

This is nothing but a bunch of bullshit. The original purpose of the lockdown was not to stop the spread of the virus, but to ensure that the hospital system wasn’t overwhelmed with an influx of patients. It was clear after a very short period of time that there was no danger of the hospital system collapsing and thus no need for the lockdowns.

No amount of social distancing, locking people in their homes was going to stop its spread. In fact, you could argue that the lockdowns in many cases actually exacerbated the spread.



The fact that the media is now pushing this new narrative is retarded. It is just a sad attempt to demonize people who have recognized that this alleged virus apocalypse is a hoax. All these people want are their freedoms so they can provide for themselves in their family. To demonize these people as sadistic virus-spreaders is dehumanizing and wrong.

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