New Han Solo Movie Set for Low Box Office Opening

Originally published at: New Han Solo Movie Set for Low Box Office Opening |

Ever since the Jews at Disney took over the rights to the Star Wars franchise, they’ve done everything possible to ruin it. All the Star Wars films released through Disney have sucked and it seems as if each new one gets progressively worse.

This new Han Solo movie which will be released in a few days, is set for the lowest box office opening out of all the Disney Star Wars films.


The spinoff is the first of the new 'Star Wars' movies to brave the summer box office, and opens only five months after 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' hit theaters.

If all goes well, a young Han Solo and his band of outcasts will take out Captain Jack Sparrow and set a new Memorial Day weekend record at the box office.

Disney and Lucasfilm's spinoff Solo: A Star Wars Story is tracking to open to $130 million to $150 million over the long holiday weekend, with $130 million being on the low end of expectations. To date, the Memorial Day record-holder for top domestic launch is Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) with $139.8 million, not adjusted for inflation.

Solo is opening in most points around the globe timed to its U.S. launch, including China, for a projected global start of $300 million-plus.

The tentpole is the first of the four titles in the revitalized Star Wars franchise to brave the summer box office. It also opens a mere five months after Star Wars: The Last Jedi hit theaters. Last Jedi, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars: The Force Awakens all opened a year apart, and each in December.

The Jews have been bragging about how this new Star Wars movie is one of the most Jewish ever. I penned a piece that's been published on the Daily Stormer going into further detail about it. Long story short, the movie has been written by Jews and the lead actor is a Jew.

The film looks truly awful. I have no idea why anybody would want to go see this piece of shit. One thing is for sure, the mystique of Star Wars has been destroyed by Jews. They’re merely trying to cash in on the Star Wars brand and don’t give a shit about the quality of the movies they’re producing. I bet even Chewbacca is embarrassed to be in these movies.


So Han Solo refuses to pay retail in the movie and Lando Calrissian sticks his dick into anything that moves. Sounds like the perfect Disney experience.