New Han Solo Film From Disney Jews Flops

Originally published at: New Han Solo Film From Disney Jews Flops |

The new Star Wars movie centered around Han Solo’s younger years has performed poorly at the box office. It is the worst performing Star Wars movie yet.

Seeking Alpha:

The Force under siege?

Disney's (NYSE:DIS) Solo: A Star Wars Story is struggling in its debut at the Memorial Day box office, where it's coming in well behind expectations with an estimated three-day opening of $83.3M and projected four-day debut of $101M.

Overseas ticket sales were even worse, with the film, starring Alden Ehrenreich in the role made iconic by Harrison Ford, grossing $65M.

All of the Star Wars movies put out by Disney have been awful. They've decided to cram an unlimited amount of social justice warrior horse shit into the films and people seem to have finally gotten wise to this fact. Especially after Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi which was universally panned by Star Wars fans.

Instead of working to make quality films, they’ve only thought about raking in shekels by pumping out as many Star Wars themed movies as possible. They figured that the dumb goyim will just pay to see any movie that has “Star Wars” in the title.

They’re hell bent on killing the goose that laid the golden egg which is not a surprise considering that Disney is a Jew-run enterprise. The Star Wars franchise is dead, and the Jews killed it.





All of these verkakte Shekel Wars movies make me appreciate the original 3 a lot more. But as far as directors go George Lucas is no Stanley Kubrick.


These movies are nothing more than hours long versions of those degenerate SJW commercials they are foisting off on us.