New Book Claims Obama Was Shocked Over Trump's Win

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A new book written by Barack Obama’s former Jew adviser Ben Rhodes claims that Obama was utterly shocked over Donald Trump’s win.

Fox News:

President Barack Obama was veritably shell-shocked in the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory in 2016, and even asked aides “What if we were wrong?” as he struggled to come to terms with Hillary Clinton’s defeat, former adviser Ben Rhodes writes in a new memoir coming out in June.

The book, titled “The World As It Is,” highlights efforts by Obama’s brain trust to reassure him that he would have won re-election if he were allowed to run for a third term.

But Obama remained alternately optimistic and dejected, according to Rhodes, who has been feted as an aspiring novelist-turned national security wunderkind.

“Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early,” Obama told aides, according to the memoir. “Maybe we pushed too far. … Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.”

The arrogance on display here is really hard to believe. These people literally thought that they were gods or something. Every policy implemented by Obama was a disaster designed to destroy the country. The policies were specifically antagonistic against White Americans who worked for a living. Obamacare is probably the most obvious example, but there were countless others. Not to mention all of the corruption and scandals that occurred while he was in office. So why wouldn't Whites come together politically and rally behind a populist candidate like Donald Trump? This was not a shock to anybody that was following this closely.

And then you have Rhodes claiming that he and Obama had no idea about the FBI planting spies in the Trump campaign.

According to Rhodes, he and Obama were not aware that the FBI had begun an investigation into the Trump campaign's dealings with Russia until after the election.

The book also touches on some foreign-policy melodrama as Obama made his exit from the world stage, amid a shifting geopolitical climate that included Brexit and rising disenchantment with globalism.

So I guess that's the main reason why Rhodes wrote this book. He wants people to believe that they had no knowledge of a criminal conspiracy to hoax this Russia conspiracy against Trump. This is obviously impossible to believe. Right before he left office, Obama specifically issued an order allowing intelligence agencies to more easily share classified information. All this after Susan Rice was unmasking the identities of people in the Trump campaign that was gathered from their spying operations. This was designed to make it easier for people to leak damaging information to the media that could hurt Trump politically.

There is no doubt that this conspiracy to hoax a conspiracy went all the way to the top. Everybody at the highest levels of the Obama regime knew what was going on. Obama might be a dumb nigger, but he’s not that dumb of a nigger.


Obummer and his “wife” Manchelle both deserve a cold prison cell for the rest of their lives for the 8 year Marxist crime spree against the American people.


Everything coming outta that nigger’s mouth is a lie, so now he has people write lies for him. Obongo & Shillary are of the same ilk and teamed up for dirty tricks on Trump.




I’m sure a lot of people were shocked when Trump won. I myself predicted it as anyone who knows me will confirm. The truth is that the people who should be ashamed of themselves never are. I am always hoping Trump will jail a big MS fish & help the normies process things better in their minds. Alas the orange haired candidate Trump would have done that but the greying blond president loves Jews too much…

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Who’s buying all these inside the Beltway books written by DC swamp creatures? They are nothing but lies and bullshit.


There is a huge PR industry that revolves around these has-beens, it’s the political equivalent of the Jewish music machine so it is constantly churning out books, tours, speaking engagements etc. It’s all the same stuff but with a different meat puppet on the cover exactly the same as the next pretty young pop star except with an ugly dried up old political hack. This serves the purpose of keeping the narrative on track but in a different context. It embeds the lie for posterity. Fortunately this half breed cocksucker has the eternal internet to keep his lies and failures fresh forever.


I shudder to think of an entity referred to as “Obama’s brain trust”.

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Did you ever see that jug eared faggot talking without a teleprompter? He could hardly string a cogent sentence together. If it wasn’t for a team of speech writers and assorted PA’s he would be known as one of the dumbest (after Reagan and Bush 43) presidents ever.


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Despite all this, we are repeatedly told that he was the most brilliant president ever, and his wife the most beautiful and glamorous woman in the history of the world.

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