New Boeing Max Jet Suffers Blowout in Fuselage Midflight

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The United States government has ordered the grounding of several Boeing 737 Max 9 jets after one of them suffered a blowout in its fuselage midflight.

Federal officials have ordered the immediate grounding of some Boeing 737 Max 9 jetliners until they are inspected after an Alaska Airlines plane suffered a blowout that left a gaping hole in the side of the fuselage.

Watch the footage captured by one of the passengers.

— The Associated Press (@AP) January 6, 2024

The ridiculous thing about this incident is that this blowout happened to a new plane. This wasn’t a plane that had been in service for years. It was literally just delivered to Alaska Airlines a few months ago.

Boeing like almost every other major American corporation has begun to heavily push all the stupid diversity insanity in recent years. They have a huge section of their website dedicated to all of this and it is clearly a top priority for them.

One of their big goals was to hire more niggers.


— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) January 6, 2024

Over the past few years Boeing has really stepped up its DEI efforts in order to ensure more non whites and LGBTQ worked at the company to build airplanes.

The report shows key indicators of progress and reinforces the need for our continued focus:

•Racial/ethnic minority…

— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) January 6, 2024

You can’t prioritize diversity and safety at the same time. The two are not compatible.

The problem with @Boeing aircraft right now as you saw the new plane from @AlaskaAir window just crumble.


They dont hire on skill they now hire upon diversity.

You are seeing the payout for such bold moves.

Airplanes literally falling apart in the skys.

— ⏰0HOUR⏰ (@0HOUR) January 6, 2024

This Boeing 737 Max 9 plane is basically a diversity era aircraft.

The Boeing plane that blew out mid flight yesterday is a DEI era plane

“According to aviation analytics firm Cirium, Alaska Airlines’ 65-strong Boeing 737 MAX 9 twinjets are aged “0-5.3 years old”.” $BA

— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) January 6, 2024

There was also a story from 2019 about how Boeing was using cheap Indian software engineers to help them program the software in this particular jet model.

Boeing CEO and Board Should Be Fired: Boeing Willing to Sacrifice Lives, American Workers and it's Reputation to Outsource American Jobs to Cheap Foreign Labor–Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) June 29, 2019

All this diversity shit is so stupid, wasteful and insane. This is literally risking people’s lives. These assholes managing Boeing are more concerned about this abstract racial nonsense when they should be focusing on the safety and reliability of their aircraft. If we had a normal situation, this company would be sued out of existence for such negligence and irresponsibility.


yes and it’s equally alarming that corporations can advertise and implement racism against White people in their workforce.


It’s not just Boeing but all companies are going to keep pushing diversity no matter how many people suffer because most Whites don’t see diversity doesn’t work but are afraid to speak up for fear of being called a weaponized word.


Ugh! Ok, this is getting old, ‘Jorge, make sure you check the locking mechanism on that door!’


The magic of Tyrone and Shaniqua in the workplace


Every single time…


Recently, the tremendous US record for air safety established since the 1970s has been fraying at the edges. The first three months of 2023 saw nine near-miss incidents at US airports, one with two planes coming within [100 feet] of colliding. This terrifying uptick from years prior resulted in the FAA and NTSB [convening] safety summits in March and May, respectively. It seems unlikely that they dared to discuss root causes.

The “root cause” is DEI.

"Complex systems cannot be maintained by incompetent people."


"Biden’s Nominee To Lead FAA Can’t Answer A Single Question About Aviation & Air Travel Ted Budd Asks"

Apparently, this nigger withdrew his nomination after humiliating questioning by the senator. A White guy was then appointed.


DEI is delusional. Pretty sure I don’t want delusional people building and operating my aircraft. Like, hard pass.


no doubt “diversity” (discrimination against Whites in the workforce) plays a major role in the decline of airline safety but safety concerns began long ago when Ronny Raygun took the oath of office and restarted Nixon’s failed War on Drugs… Previously, all the pilots were smart Whites who were staying awake in the cockpit by snorting some coke or speed. They were happy and alert throughout the entire flight. In fact, the US airforce gives pilots meth pills to keep them awake on long missions. But now political correctness overrides tried and true safety measures.

Reagain demanded that all transportation workers be drug tested after some drunk Nigger crashed a subway train. The Conservies cheered… so how did that work out? Airlines pilots were falling asleep in the cockpit in unprecedented numbers… The FAA didn’t call this: “pilots falling asleep in the cockpit” though, they called it a “systems failure”. Literally that’s what they said

So the problem of both pilots sound asleep while the plane flies itself is epidemic and nothing is being done about it. If something goes wrong and the alarm goes off, they’ll have to spend precious seconds getting back to square one before they can deal with the emergency.

But, as we all know, mission creep took over The Drug War and now just to get a McJob you must pull down your pants and piss for strangers who often WATCH to make sure you aren’t cheating. I know a guy who said that the watcher tried to hold his dick while he peed.

If you don’t appreciate the sacrifices that veterans made to keep us free then git yo Nazi asses to Commie China. This video will bring tears to your eyes.
Stand and salute, puke!


The 737 is one of the most successful passenger jets ever developed. It’s been in service since the late 1960s and they are used all over the world. But thanks to the suicide cult of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity(which means equality of outcomes, regardless of ability) not even routine flights between Chicago and Denver are safe anymore. But even if you do arrive safely there’s most likely going to be a huge nigger-fight at the airport because Mo’esha wuz dissrespected by the chink at the customer service desk or something.


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