Netherlands: Over 10K Vaxxed Women Report Menstrual Issues

Originally published at: Netherlands: Over 10K Vaxxed Women Report Menstrual Issues |

A report from is describing how over 10,000 vaxxed women have reported menstrual issues after taking the death vaxx.

The article says that there are no indications that the death vaxx causes infertility.

Really? Is that confirmed?

It would seem as if that this is most definitely not confirmed. If over 10,000 women are having these issues, more research and information needs to be collected to reach a conclusion.

There’s certainly been a number of women reporting miscarriages and baby deaths following them getting vaxxed. In the states, thousands of miscarriages have been reported in the VAERS database.

Latest Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) numbers:

752,801 Adverse Events
71,036 Hospitalizations
15,937 DEATHS
9,035 Bell’s Palsy
6,812 Myocarditis
2,262 Miscarriages#LERONLIMAB! For those of us that remember the days when SAFE truly meant SAFE!

— Chris Johnson (@ChrisJo74235525) October 2, 2021

I would say that there is certainly a good chance that a number of women will be sterilized from this death vaxx. If it doesn’t sterilize them, it could kill them or cause any number of other health problems.

Even with this type of information out in the public domain, governments are continuing to coerce people into taking these shots. The Jew-run CDC is falsely stating that pregnant women can safely take the shots which is utterly insane. At this point, you would only be pushing the vaxx if you wanted to deliberately harm people.

CDC issues urgent health advisory, strongly recommends #COVID19 vaccination for those pregnant, recently pregnant or trying to become pregnant or who might become pregnant in the future to prevent serious illness, deaths, & adverse pregnancy outcomes.

— CDC (@CDCgov) September 29, 2021

What we are witnessing is high crimes and genocide. I never thought I would see something this evil rolled out across the world.


I sometimes fear that we are living in the end times.


The Netherlands are full of suicidal nadlicking twat knotted wearing weak wristed faggots who allowed their country taken over by baby raping muslim terrorist.
Just ask the leader of the “Party Of Freedom” Geert Wilder, who calls the inbred worthless muslim shitskin savages for who they really are.
I’ll bet that “10K Vaxxed Women Report Menstrual Issues” number includes a percentage of cucked out goat pole gobbling mangina faggots.

There seems to be an agenda to make the events depicted in the Book of Revelation happen intentionally.


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