Netanyahu Congratulates Joe Biden on Election Win

Originally published at: Netanyahu Congratulates Joe Biden on Election Win |

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Joe Biden on winning the election in a video message.

Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu congratulates Biden and Harris: "I have a personal, warm, and long relationship with Joe Biden for nearly 40 years and I know him as a great friend of Israel. I am sure we will continue to work with both of them." #Election2020

— The Hill (@thehill) November 9, 2020

You may recall that when Netanyahu was having all sorts of domestic political troubles in Israel, Trump supported him. So the fact that Netanyahu would throw Trump under the bus so quickly, despite the entire election being in serious dispute, is just a stab in Trump’s back.

Netanyahu belongs in prison. One of Trump's biggest mistakes was ever trusting that snake. Looks like he's gonna rectify that going forward.

— Ethan Ralph (@TheRalphRetort) November 9, 2020

And as we know, Jews have been well-known for stabs in the back throughout history.

Some are saying that Trump unfollowed Netanyahu on Twitter in response, but I’m not certain that Trump ever followed him to begin with.

The pro-Israel people in the MAGA crowd were surprised and even angry that this happened and this is a good thing. We can show them that the Jews and Israel are not our friends and never have been our friends. They are enemies who are constantly undermining us. Netanyahu’s quick betrayal of Trump is just more proof of this.


Trump will learn from his mistakes. for example Emorosa, the Apprentice participant who Trump hired to work in the White House, bad mistake. Trump catered to the Jewish demands, what did it get him?? He will learn to never trust a Jew, they want more, more, give nothing.

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