Neocon Loon John Bolton Blames Biden for Ukraine War Failure

Originally published at: Neocon Loon John Bolton Blames Biden for Ukraine War Failure |

The neocon loon John Bolton is saying that Joe Biden didn’t do enough to help the Ukraine and that this is why the war has failed.


Failures in Ukraine’s much-touted counteroffensive against Russia stem from the West’s inability to provide Kiev with the necessary military equipment within a reasonable timeframe, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton has said.

In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal published on Sunday, Bolton lamented that Kiev’s long-anticipated push, which started in early June, “isn’t making the headway some proponents had forecast,” adding that the disappointing results must become a “wake-up” call for Washington.

The former White House official – widely regarded as a foreign-policy hawk and who has advocated regime changes in Iran, Syria, Libya, and Cuba – insisted in his article that Kiev’s “inability to achieve major advances is the natural result of a US strategy aimed only at staving off Russian conquest,” while he also urged US President Joe Biden to start “vigorously working toward Ukrainian victory.”

“Ukraine’s offensive failures and Russia’s defensive successes share a common cause: the slow, faltering, non-strategic supply of military assistance by the West,” Bolton claimed, adding that the US-led support for Kiev has been hampered further by speculation that Moscow might escalate the conflict.

This is just a ridiculous position. The Ukraine never had any chance against Russia. Anybody with even just a minimal amount of knowledge about the situation knew this to be the case. It didn’t matter how much equipment Biden or anybody else gave the Kiev regime. It defies comprehension that Bolton doesn’t understand this.

Bolton by making these statements is simply pushing for a full NATO intervention in the war. All Bolton has done throughout his sorry career is push for Jewish wars. It is not surprising at all for him to say that Biden and his Jew handlers weren’t hardcore enough and that we now have to commit NATO to the fight.

The thing is NATO is not equipped or prepared to defeat Russia in a war. They’ve spent the past two decades shaping their forces to occupy third world countries opposed to Jews and Israel.

Any sort of NATO intervention will turn into another disaster and may even spark a nuclear exchange.


“Goo goo goo-joob”

– John Bolton


The Walrus loves sending your kids to fight wars for jews.


Bolton is a 9/11 terrorist POS, devoid of the basics that constitute a civilized human which is why Trumpstein hired him.

How’s hiring the BushCo Swamp into your administration working out for you, Donny Dangerous?


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