Neo-Nazi who named his son 'Adolf' is freed early


A swastika pastry cutter was found in the couple’s home! Terrifying!


Do Jews own the copyright for all swastikas?
They seem to think so. Believe me, if there was ever any other Nazi-like movement against Jews, they will invent their own symbol or use a different one.
So Jews are wasting their time sweating an 90 year old symbol from an old movement.
Whenever people rise against them, it’s a New movement that does so, because they paralyze generations before one comes along who is logical and tough enough to deal with them the way they have it coming.


The Swastika is an ancient auspicious symbol. They will never succeed in suppressing it.


Typical Jews hysteria.

Reminds me of these:


So many examples of this… Europe and the US have been ruined.


That is so unbelievably asinine. It’s hard to believe it is true .
Really. People are jailed for naming their kid Adolph … and showing a picture of a pet with a black blotch under their nose?!
I think that people who demanded their arrests should be arrested, themselves:
Maybe put into a gulag for a couple of weeks to show them what a Real “Holocaust” was like. COLLLLLLLD!
Jews are a hysterical lot.
They are the ones who invented the whole “ they’re privileged ” thing, aimed at us. Yet NO ONE is more privileged than Jews.
Only a hyperventilating shitbag would take over the copyrights of pet images and baby names that contain popular “iconic” references in their sound or appearance.
Their vision of Hitler isn’t any more “kosher” than peoples imagery of the greedy Jew symbol we all use and get criticized for using.
They have stereotyped Hitler and the Holocaust … so what makes them any more righteous than any of us?
We are the victims of this hysteria.
That Jew symbol is our way of thumbing our nose at Jewish hypocrisy: (which appears to be The Ultimate Hypocrisy).
With a smirk on our face in the process.



Yes, exactly. These nation wreckers need to be hanged.

BTW: Incog is posting again at GAB


Excellent.!! Thanks! I’ll check it out when I’m a little bit more awake.m maybe I’ll post this recent “ad”!of mine there. It’s part of a larger ad. I had fun throwing it together and thinking of hard hebe-rock band ideas. Mostly hard rock and metal acts. Hopefully you know who these artists are. Makes it more fun to read when you know who shows up for this upcoming kosher concert festival in Miami, Florida or Centeal Park, NY… I forget where it is at.
Oh, yeah, it will be at a place called
Woodschtok … hahaha!!!



Incog is discussing nigger crime at the moment.


In case you don’t know who he is, here is BucketNose. Real name: Schlethrow Dweebowitz, Jr. He wears a kfc bucket over his nose when he performs. It won’t fit over his head, but it fits very snug on his nasal appendage and he can still see his guitar and hands well enough to pull off wild solos on stage and stuff.

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Oh. My. God!!!
Are you serious? A swastika cookie cutter?
That is a class b felony in some places.
I knew a guy once who had a swastika shaped birthmark on his right arm near the shoulder. They were going to lock him up for 25 years if he didn’t remove it:
And I mean the Arm, not just the birthmark. And they removed his arm right in the courtroom. Anesthesiist and all.
He was quite traumatized by it and went out and got a swastika tattoo in defiance of authorities : All jokes aside—-

  • I think that any Jew minded gimp who brings things like this up in legislation or whatever should be treated like—- perhaps:
    “ can you repeat that , please? You want us to make it illegal to brandish cookie cutters shaped like a swastika? May we ask why? Because of The Holocaust, huh?!
    The Fucking Holocaust?! From almost 80 goddamned years ago?!
    Are you kidding me? Okay, check this out Mr, uhh, Glerbler, is that correct, sir?
    Okay; I’m thinking that we should maybe make it a felony for people to come in here trying to bust people because of old fucking symbols used in the Holocaust. You don’t own those damned symbols and just because other people might like them doesn’t mean there is another “Holocaust” coming:
    Hell, the original one still hasn’t come… …YET! But it might, if you neurotic dweebs keep pushing shit like this to force on the general public.
    Thank you…. NExt.
    I said, Thank you; next. You wanna receive a fine for Kiking us? I didn’t think so. Now go and get a life, for Christ’s sake.
    Thank you”.
    That would be refreshing… for us, definitely. Not so much for whining hebes. Hahaha!

I have a college friend who’s daughter was impregnated by a sub-human. Nigger daddy split the scene and let my friend raise his kid.