Negro CNN Anchor Cries on Air Because He Lived in Baltimore

Originally published at: Negro CNN Anchor Cries on Air Because He Lived in Baltimore |

One of the token CNN Negro talking heads Victor Blackwell cried on air after talking about Donald Trump’s tweets describing Baltimore as a “rodent infested mess.”

He’s crying because he knows that what Trump is saying is true. After all, he lived in Baltimore so he knows full well that the place is a total and complete shithole.

But maybe instead of crying about the problem, they could actually admit there is a problem and try to fix it. Unfortunately, such a thing is too difficult for the nigger race. That’s why every place they go gets turned into third world Africa. And when a White man points out that they live is a shithole, all they can do is cry and whine about how that White man is racist for pointing out the obvious.


Give a white man a pile of bricks and he will build a city. Give a black man a city and he will turn it into a pile of bricks.

Trump was only stating the obvious.


More mean, racist tweets from Trump. :disappointed_relieved: Maybe now you finally understand why niggers are ALWAYS justified in raping, robbing and killing white people?


These nogs are incredibly fragile, bursting into tears at the drop of a hat.

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