NBC News is Doxing Random White People for Alleged Racism

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/nbc-news-is-doxing-random-white-people-for-alleged-racism/

This phenomenon of doxing random White people for alleged acts of racism is really starting to pick up steam. The thing is, it isn’t like these people are caught on film calling blacks “niggers” or anything. They’re just clips showing minor disagreements or misunderstandings that occur which NBC News falsely paints as overt racism.

This term “racism” is being constantly redefined by the Jewish media and all these NPC zombies keep getting reprogrammed by the media to accept the new definition. And each time there’s a new definition update, the term is expanded to describe an even more broad set of circumstances. It’s completely insane if you think about it.

Here’s one where a White woman calls police on a rowdy black man who was screaming at children. Naturally, NBC News is saying the White woman was racist for doing this. She’s been declared “Golf Cart Gail” by them.

And then you have this one about a White woman refusing to let a black person into an apartment building because she didn’t believe he lived there.

The White woman has gotten fired from her job over the video.

And here’s another about a White woman calling police on a black man with White children.

There is really nothing in these encounters that is overtly about race yet the Jewish media claims they are incidents of racial hatred by Whites.

It used to be that the Jewish news media would only do this sort of thing to high profile celebrities. Now they’re doing it to random ordinary White people.

It’s amazing that they actually think this is a good idea. Donald Trump’s election was a direct result of White people getting sick of Jew-enforced political correctness. They’re only pushing people further and further to the right with this retarded shit.

NBC News should really be renamed NPC News.


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Obviously one must not anger a protected class. It’s all about democracy and muh values!


NBC News has become the Sears of broadcasting. They were a big deal in the 60s and 70s but are totally obsolete now.