MSNBC: WHITE Rural Voters Threatening Democracy

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MSNBC has been advancing the idea that WHITE voters in rural parts of the country are threatening democracy.

MSNBC says white rural voters are a threat to democracy.

Serious question: how can a legal registered voter be a threat to democracy?

— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) February 29, 2024

The idea that a particular demographic of voter represents a threat to “democracy” makes no sense. Voting is the primary mechanism in which this type of government is supposed to function. This is especially true in a universal suffrage democratic system.

This is “war is peace” type insanity. It’s just another Jewish attack on WHITE people and in particular the demographic of WHITE people most opposed to Jewish agendas.

Regardless of that, if a particular demographic of voter threatens this “democracy” system because they vote, than perhaps it is time to replace it with a more stable and less fragile system.



This is no longer “our” system, and hasn’t been since the 30s - it is totally under the purview and control of anti-White Jews.

I suspect Jews will find a way to crush this demographic - through punitive taxes where they lose their properties, flooding the area with hostile non-Whites, legislating against them to make it impossible to conduct business, such as making them responsible for climate change and/or confiscating their land.


sure… everything that exposes and threatens to overwhelm the voter fraud machine is a “threat to democracy” just like the unvaxed were a threat to the vaccinated.

The moron masses will again believe and repeat the nonsense narrative. “together we can do this…”


Funny how everything good and decent is a threat to democracy.

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White rural voters didn’t pass the Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act, Military Commissions Act, all which go against the Bill of Rights and Constitution.


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