More Clashes Over Silent Sam Statue on UNC Campus

Originally published at: More Clashes Over Silent Sam Statue on UNC Campus |

A group of people supporting the Silent Sam statue on the University of North Carolina campus held a rally yesterday. They were opposed by a bunch of degenerate assholes.

Below are some local news clips.

Three dumb women were arrested during the clashes.

It’s really insane to see how these people are so hell bent on tearing down historical monuments. They literally want to erase White people from the history of America. That is what this agenda is all about.


I really think that it is truly easier for them to believe the lies then to confront them.

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Make them carry Silent Sam around the perimeter of the campus if they have so much energy.


What pisses me off is most of those “protesting” Silent Sam are self-hating whites, with a mixture of kikes and niggers for good measure. You would never see a bunch of niggers or jew tearing down MLK or Holohoax memorials. It’s only whites hell-bent on destroying their own heritage and culture. It’s sickening. I despise self-hating whites more than jews and niggers.


Confronting them is useless because they are so brainwashed by the jew universities. It starts with pre-school all the way up to college. Non-stop indoctrination.