Moderna Vaxx Said to Have Tentacle Creatures in Them

Originally published at: Moderna Vaxx Said to Have Tentacle Creatures in Them |

There’s already a million reasons why you should not take these death vaxx shots, but here’s another one. A microscope analysis of the Moderna vaxx, which is one of the weird mRNA shots, is said to have revealed self aware tentacle creatures inside of them.

I’d like to believe that this is fake news. Who knows, maybe it is fake news. I’m not going to say that this is 100 percent confirmed as this is just one person’s analysis. But at this point it is hard for me to dismiss this as fake news. There is honestly no telling what the hell is inside these death shot vials and there is definitely a non-zero chance that there are self aware tentacle creatures inside these vials.

I mean, would this really surprise you? These shots are causing all sorts of health problems for people and there has been no transparent analysis of what is actually inside these shots.

We are dealing with absolute evil so nothing should be a shock or a surprise at this point.

Whatever you do, do not get yourself injected with anything that may have self aware tentacle creatures inside of it.


Dr. Nathan Thompson:
Testing the Immune System Before Jab, After 1st Jab, and After 2nd Jab

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If what this guy is reporting is accurate, the shots are destroying people’s immune systems which means vaxxed people over time will be more likely to die of various illnesses.

If that is what they had in mind, they are probably freaked out that so many people have died right away from them.


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