Millennials to be the Fattest Generation Ever

Originally published at: Millennials to be the Fattest Generation Ever |

Pictured above is Heather Heyer the late millennial woman who died in Charlottesville last year because she was disgustingly fat. Sadly, many other millennial women are just as fat as her.

It looks like it isn't my imagination that young women are fatter and more disgusting than ever. Millennials are apparently on track to be the fattest generation ever.


Millennials are on course to become the fattest generation on record. A staggering three-quarters of ‘Generation Y’ will be obese or overweight by the age of 40.

Despite fad diets and Instagram health stars shooting to fame among the health-trend generation, the majority are actually putting themselves at serious risk, new figures show.

An over-indulgent culture has been blamed on the rising weight of people born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s. So much for the avocado trend sweeping the ‘food conscious’ age group which guzzles down quinoa. After tweeting about it.

This is obviously a real problem. We have a society that has taught an entire generation to be weak instead of strong. This is also a generation that was not taught how to properly deal with failure. The end result has been a generation filled with weak willed people who can't stop stuffing their face with food. They don't seem to be keen on exercising either.

It’s one thing if we have a few overweight men here and there. It’s a whole other thing to have overweight women. This is not an acceptable situation. No respectable White man wants to fuck a fat White woman.

We might just have to put these people in concentration camps to get them to lose weight. If not that, maybe we can send them down to Venezuela for a few months. They seem to have quite the effective weight loss program there.


Press F.


At least fat men are said to be good dancers. What’s a fat White woman good for, except to attract colored men?


I simply cannot comprehend how anyone could have so little self-respect and self-control as to become this repulsive. Sickening!!