Mike Pompeo Whines About Coronavirus "Disinformation"

Originally published at: Mike Pompeo Whines About Coronavirus “Disinformation” | Infostormer.com

Yesterday, Mike Pompeo spent a good amount of his time whining about what he called coronavirus “disinformation” coming from Russia, China and Iran.

The Hill:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday accused China, Russia and Iran of carrying out disinformation campaigns related to the coronavirus pandemic, in what is an apparent effort to sow fear and confusion.

Speaking at the White House, Pompeo described the disinformation campaigns as being “pretty diffused,” saying that the government has seen individuals, as well as the three foreign adversaries, spread false information online.

“There are coordinated efforts to disparage what America is doing and our activity to do all the things President Trump has set into motion,” the secretary said during a press briefing on the coronavirus, standing next to Trump and his coronavirus task force.

“It is pretty diffused, unfortunately. But we have certainly seen it come from places like China, and Russia and Iran,” he said.

Why so concerned Mike?

Just because these other countries disagree with the official view of the United States government, doesn’t mean that it is automatically “disinformation.”

The fact of the matter is that the coronavirus outbreak could have absolutely been a biological weapon unleashed by the United States or Israel against China in an attempt to destabilize the government. It is certainly a more plausible theory than this bullshit about bat soup.

Fat Mike was also a central figure in the efforts to support the riots in Hong Kong that were aimed directly at causing problems for China. As that operation fizzled out, this coronavirus situation occurred shortly after.

If there’s anybody who would be involved in the release of a biological weapon into mainland China, Pompeo would be at the top of the list. He ran the CIA before heading the State Department and was also a military officer in his younger days.

Regardless of the topic, there’s far more disinformation coming out of the United States government than there is China, Russia and Iran. That’s because the United States is run by Jews. So I certainly would trust them before I trust anything coming out of the United States government and Zionist Mike’s lying mouth.

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