Mike Pence Greeted With "Make America Gay Again" Banner

Originally published at: Mike Pence Greeted With “Make America Gay Again” Banner | Infostormer.com

Our political enemies can't troll worth a shit. This is a perfect example.

Vice President Mike Pence is in Aspen, Colorado for the holidays and was greeted with a "Make America Gay Again" banner by one of his neighbors.

NY Daily News:

Vice President Mike Pence, who's spending the holidays in Aspen, Colo., with his family, got a not so-subtle message of scorn from a neighbor in the liberal ski resort town earlier this week.

“Make America Gay Again,” reads an unmissable rainbow banner wrapped around a stone pillar by the entrance to the Pence’s vacation pad.

The banner, first reported by the Aspen Times, was put up on Wednesday or Thursday by a neighbor who presumably takes issue with Pence’s deeply conservative stance on marriage equality and LBGTQ rights.

The message itself doesn’t even make any sense. There was never a time in the history of the country when faggot behavior and all this weird sexual degeneracy was as accepted as it is now. So you can’t “Make America Gay Again” as it has never been gayer!

Our political enemies are retarded. They can’t meme, they can’t troll and they have no sense of humor.


This is 100% true. They also have no self esteem or pride. Back in the 1980’s Joe Sobran (in National Review no less) noted that one of the first insults that gays hurl at their enemies is that they are ‘gay’. As he pointed out: “Heterosexuals don’t insult their enemies by calling them ‘straight’”.

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Another example is how they call us snowflakes when we disagree with them. One “journalist” even called Gab a safe space even though the only reason any of us are there is because Twitter banned us to create a safe space for Jews and Commies.


I think the homos believe that Pence is secretly “one of them”.