Migrant Caravan Approaches US-Mexico Border

Originally published at: Migrant Caravan Approaches US-Mexico Border | Infostormer.com

The migrant caravan which was thought to have been disbanded earlier, is now approaching the American border. It is smaller than before but we’re still looking at hundreds of people who want to invade America.


Hundreds of Central American migrants traveling in a “caravan” were in limbo in the northern Mexican city of Hermosillo on Monday on the final stretch of a journey to the United States where President Donald Trump ordered officials to repel them.

About 600 men, women and children from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras had been waiting on Monday in Hermosillo, Sonora to board a train or take buses for the remaining 432 miles miles to the border with California.

Traveling together for safety, their numbers were down from a peak of about 1,500 people since they began their journey on Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala almost a month ago, as smaller groups broke away.

Many women and children in the group were planning to seek asylum in the United States after they reach Tijuana, said Rodrigo Abeja, a coordinator from immigrant rights group Pueblo Sin Fronteras that has been organizing similar caravans for several years.

Let's call a space a spade, I do not want these beaner savages coming into this country. The reason why much of Central America is a shithole is because of the racial demographic of that area. If these savages keep coming into the United States, they'll just turn this country into what Central America is today. This is not rocket science here.

The good news is that the President has instructed Homeland Security to not let them in the country. None of these people deserve asylum. Especially when they just walked through Mexico. They are economic migrants who want access to White people. If this wasn’t the case, they would have requested asylum in Mexico and been safe there from political oppression or whatever.

We need to reform the retarded immigration system. Entry should be based off of race and merit. A bunch of beaner monkeys shouldn’t just be allowed to claim asylum and disappear into the country. And I still obviously want a huge ass wall on the Southern border.




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Meanwhile in Israel…



Courtesy of the American goy taxpayer.:rage:


Only one proper response to this:


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Meanwhile in Mexico…


Moment of truth Mr Trump ! Let the national guard actually guard something for a change. It is not hard to imagine that a few shots could have prevented the European invasion.