Michigan: "Glitch" Turns Thousands of Trump Votes to Biden Votes

Originally published at: Michigan: “Glitch” Turns Thousands of Trump Votes to Biden Votes | Infostormer.com

While the Jewish media and big tech claims that there is no evidence of vote fraud, we are literally being overwhelmed with evidence. There’s so much evidence of vote fraud, it is impossible to keep track of it all.

In Michigan, another major vote fraud revelation came to light today. It turns out that a county discovered a software “glitch” that turned thousands of Donald Trump votes into Joe Biden votes.

SIX THOUSAND Republican ballots were counted as Democrat in Antrim County, Michigan due to a computer glitch!

“47 counties in Michigan may have also suffered from a similar glitch”‼️ ⬇️https://t.co/nnYz8zNdXg

— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) November 6, 2020

“No voter fraud” the media says, while a software “glitch” in Michigan changed thousands of votes from Trump to Biden! #StopTheSteal pic.twitter.com/7vLCtMX31C

— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) November 6, 2020

I use the term “glitch” in quotes, because I don’t believe it was a glitch. This had to have been done design. Engineering software to count votes is not complicated. So the possibility that this was some innocent mistake is very difficult to believe.

The fact that 47 counties used this software to tabulate votes, indicates that hundreds of thousands of votes could have been switched from Trump to Biden. If this proves to be the case, this would likely give Trump more votes even with all the other fraudulent Biden votes that have tainted the ballot pool.

And here’s another interesting piece of information. It looks like this software was being used to count votes in most of the major swing states.

The election software system in Michigan that switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden is called "Dominion."

It is used in 30 states including:


Every single major swing state. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. pic.twitter.com/R6s2RnVmEF

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020


How Michigan Vote Counters Are Trained To Commit Election Fraud

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