Mexico Still Thinks That They Aren't Paying for the Border Wall

Originally published at: Mexico Still Thinks That They Aren’t Paying for the Border Wall |

Mexico’s foreign minister is claiming that they will not pay for the border wall. He took to Twitter stating so.

Mexico’s president-elect is making similar statements.

Unfortunately for them, the President of the United States has other ideas.

Yesterday, Donald Trump specifically stated again that Mexico would pay for the wall during the World Cup press event held in the Oval Office.

The Mexican government is acting like they have a say in the matter. They don’t really have a choice. Trump has all the cards both economically and militarily. He has many options to get them to pay for the wall in one form or another. He does not need their permission.

If they continue to be difficult, Trump should consider ordering a military invasion of Mexico. That’d be one possible way to make them pay for it.

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