Matt Taibbi Says Elon Musk Failed to Deliver Free Speech

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Matt Taibbi who was originally invited by Elon Musk to analyze the Twitter Files from the prior management regime, has criticized Musk for failing to provide the free speech he promised. Due to his role with the Twitter Files, his statements about this issue hold more weight than most.

Former "Twitter Files" reporter Matt Taibbi said that billionaire Elon Musk has proved to be "very disappointing" on the topic of free speech.

— The Hill (@thehill) March 16, 2024

He is obviously correct about this. The improvements to Twitter/X have been moderate at best. He’s let back Alex Jones and other personalities, but many people remain banned. We have also seen an attempt to silence critics of Israel in recent months while Jews are largely free to say and push whatever evil and vile thing they want.

Remember when Musk toured Israel and declined to visit Gaza to get the other side of the story?

Will Musk ever condemn Israel? 🤔

— The Saviour (@stairwayto3dom) March 15, 2024

That spoke volumes right there.

He also did that embarrassing visit to Auschwitz with the vile Jew propagandist Ben Shapiro.



Suffice to say, there is no real free speech on Twitter. The site remains compromised by Jewish and Israeli interests. I may reevaluate my position on this issue if I see certain people unbanned, but I doubt I will see that. Clear unwritten lines on what is acceptable and unacceptable speech have been set and it is obvious for all to see.


The disappointments keep coming. Trump, DeSantis, Abbott, Noem Twitter, Gab… The Jews keep winning.


The jews’ arrogance will only result in more people resenting how much wealth and power they have.


Too bad it didn’t actually happen. It will next time, though.


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