Man in Court for Calling Annoying Negress a "Loud Mouthed Monkey"

Originally published at: Man in Court for Calling Annoying Negress a “Loud Mouthed Monkey” |

Apparently hurting the feelings of obnoxious niggers is a crime. A man who got sick of an annoying black woman on a commuter train ended up giving her a piece of his mind. Now he’s facing a year in jail simply for yelling at the retarded black bitch and calling her a loud mouthed monkey.


A New York train passenger recorded using racist language towards a 25-year-old woman for her “talking too loud” has been charged with a hate crime and could face a year in jail if convicted.

Edward Ruggiero, 58, a Long Island resident, was filmed by another passenger on the Long Island Railroad yelling at the woman.

“Shut the f*** up, you f****** loud-mouthed monkey,” Mr Ruggiero is shown yelling in the clip at passenger Soraya Orelien

“At least I got a f****** mother. Do you know who your mother is? You don’t know who your mother or your father is because you’re a f****** monkey, that’s why,” he appears to yell in the video.

The charges against Mr Ruggiero include third-degree menacing as a hate crime, and second-degree aggravated harassment.

Anybody who has used public transportation knows what happened. This uppity nigger bitch was being loud and annoying everybody around her. Usually most people just deal with this type of temporary annoyance. It’s a small price we all have to pay for living in a vibrant and enriching multicultural society.

But this guy was not in the mood for this type of shit so he told her what everybody around her was secretly thinking.

It’s ridiculous that he’s being charged with a crime. The nigger was menacing and terrorizing everyone around her with her obnoxious behavior. But since she has nigger privilege she’s allowed to do this and anybody who questions her behavior gets labeled a racist and charged with a hate crime.

Can’t we just get these niggers back to Africa so we don’t have to deal with this type of shit?


Absolutely sickening. I’ve seen first-hand the way these monkeys behave on public transport in London. God only knows what it’s like in The U.S. where there is a higher density of these sub-humans. Of course, decent people are expected tolerate their boorish behaviour, and get into trouble when they finally have enough and snap.


It’s a variation of an old joke:
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, a Loud Nigger Woman, and a Soft Spoken Nigger woman are in a race. Who will win?
Ans: The Loud Mouth Nigger woman. Everyone is is a fairy tale.


I have a cousin who worked in a managerial position for Metro North, a commuter train service for the New York area. Great paying job, but he had to deal with endless amounts of aggravation from affirmative action employees and black passengers. Took an early retirement and moved to Cape Cod. No coloreds there!


Hate speech crime is another name for what George Orwell called a thoughtcrime. The first hate crime laws came from early in the (((Soviet Empire))). Lenin and Stalin instituted hate crime laws to outlaw any antisemitic speech or writings, which were punishable by death.

The man in the video is being used as an example to those who speak the truth.
He wasn’t threatening anyones life, certainly not the Negress’s but just simply telling her to shut the Fuck up.

Gulags coming to a town near you.


It’s amazing how sometimes even one Negro can be too much to deal with, let alone a troop of 'em!


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The annoying negress, meanwhile, is free to continue her rude, disruptive, and obnoxious behavior.

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