Maine Removes Trump From Presidential Ballot

Originally published at: Maine Removes Trump From Presidential Ballot |

As Colorado says they’ll keep Donald Trump on the presidential ballot pending a Supreme Court decision, Maine has removed him from their presidential ballot.

JUST IN – Maine's Democratic secretary of state removes Trump from the state's presidential primary ballot under the Constitution's insurrection clause — AP

— (@disclosetv) December 29, 2023

And to think some people thought they were “winning” simply because they didn’t get totally fucked in the ass.

How do you all like this democracy?

I personally think it sucks. I also think it is a very gay and very retarded form of government. The results speak for themselves. America has become a multicultural shithole dystopia filled with gay faggots and niggers everywhere and said gay faggots and niggers are doing all sorts of horrible shit. This is the fruits of democracy.

I am also becoming less and less interested in the 2024 presidential election and the politics surrounding it. I am much more interested in doing things that will cause the machinery running this system to collapse. I think it is far more likely that this will come from external factors but anything that can be done domestically is obviously welcome. Things are so chaotic it is impossible to make concrete predictions.


This is ridiculous. Expect more faggot Democrat-controlled states to do the same.

I might be wrong, but from what I first read about Colorado, their action only removed Trump from Republican primary voting, not from the general election itself. I wonder if it’s the same with Maine.


I don’t understand how a still majority White state keeps voting for their demise by electing politicians that hate them.


A lot of people who ordinarily don’t vote took a chance on Zion Don in 2016 and were bitterly disappointed, myself included. Maybe Shitpants Joe stole the 2020 election but Trump didn’t deserve a second term anyway. This time around I think most people are tired of Trump and his childish buffoonery, so Biden wins by default. Then they’ll replace him with Gruesome Gavin. The only way I could ever consider voting for the orange asshole again is if by doing so this country gets torn apart and disintegrates.


(((democracy))). Communism but with a different name.


No matter how we feel about Trump, how much more obvious can it be that these “elections” are a transparent fraud.


Y’all aren’t trusting the plan! Trump is playing 79-D Chess. His genius is too great to be understood by most humans. When he repeats himself -thinking of something good to say- that’s just a ruse to make his enemies think that he’s a dolt.

Trump’s Supreme Court appointments are poised to make America Great Again. God willing he’ll get two more Super Court pics like Amy in his 2nd term.


As if it matters who’s on the ballot. Whoopy do.


Trump is a Billionaire and his son in law is a Jew. I don’t think I need to say anything else. Oh and don’t forget about operation warp speed or whatever the hell it was called.


yes, and that’s just a tiny bit of Trump’s betrayal which was at the end of a disastrous tenure. and for icing on the cake, Trump turned Jew like his geeky daughter.


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