Madison Cawthorn Out of Congress After Exposing DC Cocaine Orgies

Originally published at: Madison Cawthorn Out of Congress After Exposing DC Cocaine Orgies |

Madison Cawthorn might be a cripple who apparently posed in some weirdly gay photographs, but he was saying a number of things that the Washington DC ZOGbots didn’t like. As a result, the system conspired against him in the primary race. That’s why all those strange photos dropped right before the election.

Many have noted that him exposing DC cocaine sex orgies was what did him in.

Madison Cawthorn lost his House seat tonight after a scorched-earth campaign by his Republican colleagues to get him out— a warning shot to any member who wants to speak out about cocaine and orgies

— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) May 18, 2022

Cawthorn also opposed supporting Ukraine’s illegitimate Jew government in the Russia-Ukriane conflict.

Congress is a lost cause. The few people who say anything of any consequence are always targeted for immediate removal. This has been going on for years. It’s happened to people in both parties. Cawthorn is just the latest example of this phenomenon.

It’s just more proof that this so-called system of democracy is the biggest hoax. It is run entirely by Jewish special interests who either buy or blackmail candidates in both parties.


Full collapse of jewmerica, gotta be.

Ruble is up, up and up.

A good long term investment would probably be the ruble,

and gold and silver, of course.

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