Low-T Faggot Removed from Trump Rally for Making Weird Faces

Originally published at: Low-T Faggot Removed from Trump Rally for Making Weird Faces | Infostormer.com

Some faggot with low testosterone levels was removed from Donald Trump’s recent rally in Montana for making weird fucked up faces behind Trump when he spoke. He’s been referred to as “plaid shirt guy” on Twitter and is apparently a member of the Democrat Socialists.

He appeared on kike-run CNN to talk to the gay nigger Don Lemon about his removal from the rally.

For some reason CNN thinks it was outrageous that he was removed from the rally. I strongly disagree. Secret Service should have barred this faggot from entering the building in the first place. One look at his faggot ass face and he should have been identified as a national security threat.

It’s disgraceful that some bitch ass faggot with extraordinarily low testosterone levels was allowed to get this close to the President of the United States. And to make those faces? Those faces were deeply offensive and inappropriate for a national television audience.

But what the fuck is going on here? Why are there so many faggot ass males like this clown roaming around demanding Communism, feminism and other nonsense? It is seriously disturbing.


It was no accident this wimp just happened to be in the background and just happened to be ‘caught’ on camera. A complete plant all the way, confirmed by his interview by Don Lemon, who probably thinks this fool is a hero or something.


sure but why aren’t Trump’s people making certain to put some black folks right behind him with a “conservative blacks for trump” sign ? it’s a no brainer and would really pee-off the libs.