Louis Farrakhan Compares Jews to Insects

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/louis-farrakhan-compares-jews-to-insects/

Louis Farrakhan posted the following on his Twitter account basically comparing Jews to termites. Although, I guess one could interpret the post in a few different ways.


The kikes have interpreted it as a major insult and are bitching about like you wouldn’t believe. They are demanding that he be banned for expressing a mild criticism of the Jewish race.


What a bunch of whiny kikes. I can see why Adolf Hitler stuffed 60 trillion of them into shower room gas chambers. There’s only so whining and kikery a man can take!



One does have to commend him for naming the Jews and their crimes publicly and profusely in his sermons. Although the Nation of Islam is not really Islam, rather a cult centered around the founder, Wallace D. Fard Muhammad.
The Nation of Islam stated goals are to improve the spiritual, mental, social, and economic conditions of African Americans in the United States and all of humanity. Well that would definitely be an improvement on what currently exists in the black community today.

Now I know what you’re going to say? But, but, he hates whitey too? It seems Farrakhan has moved past that long ago and had the epiphany that whites aren’t Jews and Jews aren’t white. I would recommend watching some of his YT videos where he vehemently roasts the tribe.

He’s holding a book, know what it is?



I don’t agree with all of this based black gentleman’s religious dogma but he doesn’t backdown or apologize to the kikes, and that is truly uncommon and admirable.


This is grossly insulting - to termites.

Termites didn’t cause two World Wars and concoct a hoax about “gas chambers” for political and financial gain.

Termites didn’t orchestrate a Bolshevik Revolution and foist a communist ideology upon much of the world, leading to World War-style genocide and poverty.

Termites never toppled three steel-framed high-rises killing 3,000 innocent people, as casus belli for millions more to perish in a series of wars to further termites’ political agenda.

Termites never attacked the USS Liberty.

Termites never savaged societal norms by pushing for sick, ‘progressive’ change such as “gay” marriage, transgenderism, mass abortion, mass immigration, miscegenation, etc…


I am not a fan of Farrakhan but he is waking up the niggers to the jews major role in slavery. If he can turn the niggers against the kikes, I am all for it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, especially when it comes to the kikes.

As Farrakhan said, “mentioning my name doesn’t hurt me, it helps me”. If not for the kikes, Hitler would be long forgotten.


Anyone who can get the jews oy-veyying 6 million times is OK with me!:ok_hand:


Farrakhan - as did Malcolm X - have always pointed out how the liberal jewish elite have used the black community to increase the liberal jewish elites’ US power base.


Check out these termites nests!



everytime I have heard a speech by Minister Farrakan the man makes a lot of sense. I remember a speech he gave about jewelry. He said it was Jew inspired propaganda to sow wealth by wearing JEWelry.

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Farrakhan is moving The Nation of Islam away from the anti-white rhetoric of that smarmy little screw-ball, Elijah Muhammad and focusing on THE REAL ENEMY of all humanity, THE JEWS. good for him…


Guess who’s paying for those jew-only housing developments?



The Jews were comparing Palestinians to cockroaches long before Farrakhan came on the scene.

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They do seem to have a propensity for bloodsucking.

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